Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Republicans 2012: Diversionary Tactics

Everyone seems to have an opinion about the Republicans running for their party's Presidential nomination. For the most part, the opinion seems to be that those running are idiots. Everyone is pointing out how 'out of touch' and misogynistic the Republicans are. But are they really?

Here's my thought. With all of the Republicans in the US, are Romney & Santorum really the best they could come up with...or is something else afoot?

Let's be honest; Mitt Romney & Rick "Mr. Frothy" Santorum are both clowns. And as such, they are doing what clowns do best - entertain and make people laugh. Neither is likely to ever be President of these United States. So then, what's the point?

Diversion. Not DIVISION, Diversion. It's so simple yet so effective, it's almost genius in it's strategy. The Republicans obviously don't WANT the Presidency. With 242 Republicans in the House of Representatives and 47 in the Senate, the GOP can pretty effectively pass whatever laws they want or disrupt any proceedings they want. Keeping Obama in office gives them a perfect media smokescreen to do whatever the hell they want.

Think about it. The media will, as always, only focus on the biggest, most obvious picture. In this case, The President and his battles with Congress. The media will focus on actions, not details. Most Americans will feel that this is just enough news for them and base their opinions solely on that. In short, it's the perfect con job!

Any magician knows that the key is misdirection. Get the audience to look where you want them to look while he/she performs their slight of hand trickery. By the time 2016 rolls around, we'll all be trying to figure out just how we all got screwed again.

Here's an idea: what say we all throw in some magic of our own. Throw out every single incumbent politician. Not just the obvious ones that we don't like....ALL of them. It's time for a do-over. Do away with the career criminals, er um, politicians. Do away with their getting fat on our dimes. It's time to rethink how politics is done in the US. I don't mean a new form of government (let's face it, we'd screw that up too. We can't even handle a 2 party system). No more careerists. No more allowing them to vote their pay raises. No more perks. Remind these clowns just who the hell they work for!

In the meantime, watch out for the Republicans. They're playing a mighty slick game right now...and it's working.

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