Sunday, April 15, 2012

The New Stooges (aka The Nooges)! NYUK NYUK NYUK!

The young'un and I just got home from seeing the new 3 Stooges flick...and let me tell ya, WE BOTH LOVED IT!!!!!

While there will never be a replacement for the original Stooges, Sean Hayes, Will Sasso, and Chris Diamantopoulos did a truly nyuk-worthy job. The Horwitz boys and Mr. Feinberg are all probably looking down from comedy heaven with a sense of pride. Shemp...but it's early days.

If you're expecting amazing cinema...this ain't it. If you're expecting hi tech...this ain't it. If you're expecting heart-wrenching drama....why the hell would you expect that from a Stooges flick you knucklehead???? What this is, without giving away any plot details, is pure Stooges slapstick FUN! All of the old gags and names are a few new ones. It's everything you watch the Stooges for.

Kudos to Jane Lynch, SofĂ­a Vergara, and Jennifer Hudson for not trying to upstage the Stooges (which let's be honest...can't be done). These ladies are all well-known in their own right and add to the movie without trying to steal scenes. They look like they just had FUN with it! The rest of the cast all did their parts well, all the while letting the "Nooges"(new Stooges) be Stooge-y...and it WORKED! Even the seemingly ill-fated cameos by Snooki & Co. WORKED WELL!

Kudos to Larry David as Sister Mary-Mengele! With the possible exception of Jack Plotnick, no one else could've done this role! Should the Farrelly Bros. opt to make more Stooges films...I can only hope they keep Larry David (or perhaps Jack Plotnick) in mind for character parts...really worked well with the "Nooges".

My only gripe isn't with the movie at all. It's with the Farrelly Bros. (or perhaps the movie's insurance company) insisting on a "don't try these gags at home kids!" warning at the end of the movie. Listen people, if you're stupid enough to hit someone in the head with a hammer and expecting to hear it go "BOOOOOIIIIINNNNNNNNNK" instead of causing severe trauma or death, you're an idiot. Plain and simple. One would assume that any parent taking their kid to see this movie would most likely explain this to the kid...not leave it up to the Farrelly Brothers.

If you like the 3 Stooges (and really, who doesn't?)...go see this flick! It was nice to have the chance to go see a new film and not feel patronized. We went in expecting the Stooges and Stooges is what we got! And with that, I'll leave you with a nyuk nyuk nyuk!

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