Thursday, January 29, 2015

Weird Dreams

Weird dreams...we've all had them.  Possibly the most disturbing dream I've ever had was a recurring nightmare that I had throughout my 20s and 30s involving killer, man-eating vampire penguins. I might add, this was also during my better living through chemistry years.

Usually, like most, no matter how odd my dreams might seem, they dissipate throughout the day; usually before I've had my 2nd or 3rd cup of coffee. Maybe the caffeine zaps them out of my conscious brain...who knows.

But, this morning, I awoke from a particularly weird dream. It wasn't was just weird.

It's been said that we don't dream about strangers. Every face in our dreams is one that we have, at some point, seen in our waking lives. This morning's dream was a veritable Who's Who of faces from my past, present, and faces we've all seen on TV/movies/media.

My friends Rob, Gary, and myself were playing a pick up gig. This, unto itself, is not weird. We've done many of these. The venue in the dream was odd. My mind knew it was part of a bowling alley, but it was a bar with an open wall facing a small road. People were walking past, some stopping, some not. Musically, we were really ON in the dream. I recall that, in the dream, I was playing some weird old 1960s Japanese double cutaway, semi-hollowbody guitar. It was sort of blue...strung with heavy, flatwound strings. Odd that I'd dream about that.

If the dream wasn't anything spectacularly weird at this point, it was about to be. Three well-known faces entered the bar through the open wall: rockabilly/country legend Narvel Felts (who I've met on numerous occasions), Burl Ives....and Mitt Romney. In the dream, they had been at a political rally together and had decided to go drinking afterwards. They were feeling pretty rowdy.

Narvel got up and sang a song with us, and soon he, Burl, and Mitt were yelling out requests. Irritating as it was, we managed to play each one. Burl Ives was sitting in a chair with a giant mug of beer and half-singing along.

Mitt Romney was seriously getting on my nerves. He was trying to dance (which most men of his age probably shouldn't do in public anyway) and kept screaming for one song. What disturbed me most was that it's my favorite song of all time - "Besame Mucho".

I love that song, and even more, I love playing it. But I didn't want to play it for him. Mitt Romney is not allowed to enjoy that song! But...I eventually gave in and played a blistering version. I was nearly laying on the floor, propped up only by the guitar...I remember the way those flatwound strings felt under my fingers.

When we finally finished, Mitt was so moved by the version of "Besame Mucho", that he gave me $100 tip. Not to be outdone, Burl Ives pulled out a wad of bills big enough to choke a horse, and peeled off 5 c-notes and gave me a $500 tip.

Rob felt that he should get part of the tip...but Burl told him he already gets enough money from the royalties from his recordings of some of Rob's grandfather's songs.

The dream started to break down and get weirder from that point on. Someone broke into Rob's car and stole a box of 8 track players. Gary and I were in a brightly lit grocery store, and one minute he had a black eye, the next he didn't, and then he did again. Later in the dream, we ran into an old friend of mine at a bus the dream, she was moonlighting as a stripper and a hooker. Just for kicks. She invited us over for ham hocks and iced tea...and then the alarm clock went off.

Weirdest part...I've remembered this all day.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Snowed In

I once lived every working person's worst nightmare. I got
snowed in at work. For 3 days. Oh sure, I got paid overtime for
it, and was given the rest of the week off...but still, 3 solid days
at work with no way to escape. Ugh...

I was working in a group home for adults with retardation at the
time. It really wasn't too bad. One of the residents was away at
the time, so it was just 2 guys, in their 50s. Pretty laid back
gents really. The one guy, his life revolved around coffee and he was pretty much set. We had food, we had
coffee, and we had smokes. The never-ending snow never
phased him in the slightest.

The other guy, he was pretty high functioning and felt that
keeping the walk and the driveway clear was his own personal
responsibility. No easy feat during a blizzard. Yet, he managed it.
Every few hours, he went outside, grabbed his shovel, and dug
in. It was pretty hilarious, really. Over 3 feet of snow on the
street and in the yard, and the walkway and driveway were
spotless. In a perfect world, this guy could've made a fortune in
landscaping and plowing!

I remember the morning well. I woke up, looked outside and
thought "How the hell am I going to get to work?" I walked down
to my car, and old Chevette, and tried to dig the tires out a
bit...but there was already over a foot of snow on the road, so it
wasn't going anywhere. I went back in the house, called my
boss to explain the situation, and she explained, in no uncertain
terms, that I was expected to make it in. I asked if she had
completely lost her mind, and she then read me the agency's
policy on the subject. I had to find a way in. I told her I would
most likely be late...and she'd have to deal with it.

A trip that would normally take 20 minutes, took over 3 hours. It
took me 20 minutes just to walk the 2 blocks to the main road to
try to catch a bus. Then the waiting began. The 1st bus never
showed. The 2nd bus came, and we got about a mile, and it got
stuck on a hill. The replacement bus finally got me into town.
Only 2 more buses from there!

The 2nd bus got me back out into the north hills. Trust me,
there is no rhyme or reason to the way buses are routed around
here. When I was let off the bus to wait for #3, I thought I was
going to freeze to death. Over an hour I waited, in the freezing
snow. My beard was literally frozen. I don't think I have ever
cursed as much as I did waiting for that bus.

Finally, I get off the bus at the top of the hill by the house. There
was a convenience store, so I figured I better stock up. I went
in, grabbed a few packs a smokes, a 2 liter bottle of Mt Dew, and
a couple bags of Doritos. With those supplies, I knew I'd be able
to sit out any storm. that point in my life, it was all I

Carrying these supplies down the steep hill to the house
proved, to say the least, entertaining. I've never had any
interest in skiing...and this was apparent as I nearly killed myself
trying to make my way down an ungodly steep, frozen, blizzard
-covered hill. Wet and frozen, I finally made it to the house...3
hours late.

I walked in and told the staff person there that I was there to
relieve them. Their shift was now, officially, over. They could go
home. HAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah right!

I was informed that I had 2 messages waiting for me. The 1st,
from my auntie (who lived with me at the time) that not 5
minutes after I left, my boss had called to tell me that I was no
longer expected to make it in to work. A state of emergency was
being declared due to the weather, and only necessary vehicles
would be permitted on the roads. The 2nd was from my boss,
asking me to call her when I got there...which you can bet your
ass I did!

In typical bureaucratic goofiness, she tried to explain to me that
I was expected to stay at the house until relieved. Well no shit. I
asked her about being paid overtime...she didn't have any sort
of satisfactory answer. I told her that without a guarantee of
overtime, I would resign on the spot, and she would be forced
(by policy) to come in a relieve me. We both knew that wasn't
going to happen, so she was forced to agree to my terms.
Overtime plus! I was given overtime for the rest of the week,
plus added vacation time. I then asked about the other staff
person, who was also stuck there, although relieved of duty by
yours truly. I suggested that it would only be fair to grant that
person the same. I could imagine this manager's mental
calculations of crumbling budgets...but again, she was forced
to agree. I had her repeat it all to the other staff person, and
then we proceeded to settle in for the duration.

So, how to spend a blizzard with 2 middle-aged guys with
special needs? The same way you would with anyone! Food,
more food, movies, and games!

Anyone who has ever worked in a group home know this: you
better know how to cook. If you don't, you're going to learn.

Special diets went out the window. We made enough food for an
army...because really, few things stave off weather-induced
boredom than comfort food. Homemade biscuits, stew, a
mountain of mashed potatoes, fried chicken, you name it...if it
was in the house, we cooked it! The state and county have
some 'unique' policies on leftovers...and we ignored those, as
any person with any level of common sense would. The only
routines we observed were medications. Those still applied.
Anything else...fuhgeddabowtit! We were going to make the
best of a bad situation...if it killed us!

The other staff person and I worked out an impromptu schedule
so that we could sleep at some point, and we made it work. At
one point, I phoned the convenience store, making sure they
were open, and one of the residents and I climbed our way back
up the hill to get more snacks! It was actually a fair bit of fun!
We grabbed some magazines too.

3 days of food, movies, and games like well as
making snowmen, having snowballs fights, and basically just
having fun...and getting paid for it. That is how one handles
being snowed in.

Finally, the roads were cleared. The street the group home was
on was treacherously steep, and was one of the last to be
cleared. One of the other site managers finally came by to give
me a ride home. It was the least they could do. We were given
written commendations for our dedication to service, we were
given our overtime pay, and were given the rest of the week well as 2 extra days of vacation time.

While not something I'd want to relive, being snowed in at work
wasn't the worst thing I've lived through.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Well, since ya asked...

I've lost over 40 pounds, and yes, I'm pretty proud of it.

None of my clothes fit. I have to force myself, at some point, to go clothes shopping. I hate clothes shopping.

But, everyone keeps asking how I've done it. It's pretty simple really. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and took it seriously. I don't want to lose a foot or go blind or anything like that. It's a real motivator for me.

Fear is good for that. I've known a lot of folks with diabetes in my life. My great aunt had it...and lost a leg to it. Her mother had it, and went blind from it. A few different friends have lost legs from it. I don't want to join that particular club, thank you very much.

So the choices were pretty simple: Feel sorry for myself and risk all of the above, or do something about it. I chose the latter.

I had to completely change the way I think about food. An ex girlfriend often pointed out that I'm obsessed with food. You know...she's right. I am. Always have been. I used to hate food. My parents can be blamed for that. My father wouldn't know how to season food if you put a gun to his head. My mum...well, God rest her soul, just wasn't a great cook.

I learned how to cook from my grandmother, Aunt Ann, and my friends' moms. Once I realized that I do, indeed, enjoy food, there was no looking back. I dug in and dug in deep! Italian, Chinese, soul food, Cajun, southern cuisine...meat, carbs, SUGAR!!!!! I loved it all! I love booze. I love beer. I love good wine. I love it all. And it was killing me.

So, how did I actually lose the weight?

Again, simple answer. I started eating healthier and getting more exercise. I read labels. All of the labels. I learned what the numbers were and what they meant to my diagnosis. Carbs and sugars = BAD! Fresh fruit and veggies = GOOD!

Here's the weirdest part: I eat MORE now than I used to! One of my biggest problems, aside from what I ate, was WHEN I ate. I rarely have ever felt hungry. This goes hand in hand with my difficulties feeling pain. Something in that part of my brain ain't wired I used to not even think about eating until I'd get a headache from it...and then I'd pig out. I never left the table until I felt I was ready to burst. Bad bad bad.

So now, I eat 3 meals a day. I snack on occasion. I eat healthy. No junk food, no soda, nothing too over the top. Oh sure, I treat myself once in a have to. Well not really, you don't HAVE to...but it's nice to do so. The biggest thing though...MOVE YOUR ASS!

Turn off the TV. Get away from the computer. Go for a walk. Having a heart condition, I can't go hogwild working out like I used to...but I can still walk. Rain, shine, snow...doesn't matter...I get in at least a few miles a day. It might be a little tough at first, but you adjust to it. It becomes part of your routine...same as eating healthy.

You can make all the excuses in the world. I know I did. diagnosis scared the hell outta me. I'm a fighter...always have been. I won't let this stop me and I'll be damned if I'll be defined by my diagnosis. But...all of that said...I'm losing the weight, I look better, and I feel good about the progress.

If you want to lose weight...just do it. No excuses. You are your own worst enemy when you do. It doesn't happen over night. It takes time and work. can do it...and the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Got it? Good. See ya later.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello 2015!!!!!!

It's a new year...same ol' me. Well, pretty much...

New job, life is getting better, health seems to be under control. That said, last year was a bitch. But, with every cloud there is a bit of sunshine behind least I usually look for it.

If nothing else, 2014 was a good year for me musically. I didn't do a large number of shows...didn't care to. I was too busy writing! And write I did! Musically, I was all over the damned place!

I was writing rock and roll, country, blues, jazz, singer/songwriter crap, and avant garde stuff. Hell, I even took a stab at writing some classical sorta stuff. I think most of it came out well. And yep, you guessed it...I'm putting links to some those songs right here! Why? Probably the only way you'll ever hear them. I'm taking 2015 by the short hairs and refusing to play the music industry game. I no longer give a shit if anyone buys my records, or asks me to do a show. I just really no longer care. New web site is coming soon and that will be the ONLY place online you'll be able to purchase my stuff. Fuck iTunes, Amazon, etc. Spotify, Pandora, etc. can go shove a dead donkey dick up their collective asses. I'm turning my back on the industry.

In the's some of what you might've missed me goofing around with last year:

This one is an odd little tale of love...I really enjoyed playing with words and ideas on this one.

This one is pretty near & dear to my heart. In recent years, I've discovered  a fair bit about my heritage and it cleared up a lot of personal mysteries, including certain personal musical ones. Enjoy!

I got to record a new EP with some friends last year. It was a hoot and the songs were pretty killer! We even did a new take on an old song of mine...see what ya think!

A former client passed away. I was thinking about her one night, and this little personal tribute came to life.

A lot of folks seemed to like this one. Just some silliness and fun old ragtime sorta chords.

This one was a blast, at least more me. Kinda somewhere between "The Gift" and "Frank's Wild Years"...but a helluva lot longer!

A friend of mine made a comment about moving...and this song came from it. Probably one of the best things I've ever least in my opinion. You might disagree. I don't care. LOL

Lastly, there's this stuff.Zufälligen Einbildungskraft. My brain went all over the place with this...and still sorta does. What you might not know about me is that I'm prone to manic episodes. I don't mean getting a little hyper now and then...I mean full-blown mania that can last days to weeks. It's basically just myself...cranked all the way and in overdrive. My brain just doesn't stop. I don't sleep. This stuff has become my outlet. Some of it is truly beautiful, in it's own odd way, and some of it will just weird out the average person. Nevertheless...I dig it. This one is a personal fave. Give it a chance. It might grow on ya.

OK, if you were hoping to read about whatever personal tragedies I survived last year, sorry...not this time. Regardless of everything that went down last year, I went to bed happy every night and woke pretty much the same way. This is a new year, life is swell, and I'm still deliriously happy. I hope you are too...and if you're not, I hope you can find a way to become happy. I'll gladly help ya!