Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Day

April 1. April Fools Day. Love it or hate, it happens every year.

As I've always liked to see myself as a jovial sort, I've always enjoyed the day. I like a good joke and prank as much, if not more, than the next person. This day pretty much is like having a license to be a goof!

I must admit that I really miss working at the sheltered workshop most on April Fools Day. If you're unfamiliar with what a sheltered workshop is, it's basically a place where folks with special needs learn vocational skills. I worked at one for about 10-12 years. It was a hoot! It was hard work but always enjoyable...especially when one of the individuals we worked with exceeded their own expectations.

What was ALWAYS fun was April Fools Day. At least 100 times each and every April Fools Day, I would be told "Your shoe's untied! April Fools!". I always knew to expect it and I relished it every time. I would take that moment to try to teach the folks to not be think up a NEW gag and try again later. And they always tried! Some even came up with some good ones!

It was always great because that was the one day that all of the folks we worked with felt pretty much equal. Laughter is really the great equalizer. These folks would play pranks on each other as well as the staff. Sure, there was always one grumpy gus who would get cranky about it (usually a staff member) but the majority of us loved it. To this day, I still expect someone to tell me that my shoe is untied...regardless of whether or not I'm wearing loafers!

To all of my former clients...THANK YOU! I miss each and every one of you. I think that in the scheme of things, they taught me more than I ever taught them.

So, the next time someone plays a harmless prank on you...go with it. Have fun. Life is too short to be serious all the time. And ya never just may learn something. And you may even be surprised just who teaches you a lesson.


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