Saturday, June 1, 2013

What's Next???

Many of you have asked why I'm planning a long break from performing. First off, thanks for the concern. This decision has been a while coming. As most of you know, the past few years have been harder than they should've been. I finally made a conscious decision that, for at least the foreseeable future, I need to concentrate on work, family, and home...mostly work.

I was unemployed for all of 2012. While I got by OK, a lot of bills didn't get the attention they craved. I had to park my HoopDeVille and start taking the bus. I've been OK with all of that. But...after being laid off a few weeks ago with no chance of unemployment benefits, I've been forced to take drastic measures.

On the positive side, I now have a job again. While neither glamorous nor particularly challenging, it's a job. The pay is decent and offers lots of overtime. 6-7 day work weeks will not be unusual. Factor in that I'll be working the afternoon shift (2:30p - 10:30p), all the way out there in Crambleberry, and you can see that gigging probably won't be possible.

So, does this mean I'm retiring from music? In short, the answer is an emphatic NO!!!!!!!!

I'll still be doing shows when possible. I have a few already lined up. I've let my new employers know that on these certain days, I will not be available. I'm sure they'll survive.

I also plan to continue to record. I have one CD finished that I've been sitting on for a while. It's just not been the right time to release it (I also couldn't afford to release it on my own...and I don't trust record companies)...and who knows, it could be out soon. I have another disc that I'd like to have out by fall. That one will be early Tremblers stuff...including a lot of alternate mixes, a couple of new songs with the old lineup and a few unreleased tracks.  I'm also still working on the next studio album...which I think is going to be the best I've ever done. I already have confirmation from a couple of "guests" who are going to make the record just explode (musicially). I think you'll all be surprised when you find out who they are.

So, I'm OK. Life is good. Just having to make some grown up decisions. The young'un is being very supportive of my choice. She knows I'll never stop making music. That, for me, is simply an impossibility.

For the time being, I need to be content with a "normal" life. Job, bills, fixing up the house...the usual. I'm a very lucky and blessed man to have someone like the young'un to share it all with...the good AND the bad. We've weathered some storms in our 5+ years together and we keep getting stronger.

I'm also looking into going back to school (again). As I'll have mornings open, I might as well utilize that time for something positive. Once I finally have that elusive sheepskin, I probably won't have to worry about some of the issues I contend with these days. Who knows...we'll see.

Regardless, I'd like to see YOU at one of the next few gigs. It could be your last chance for a long time...and really, you know what my shows are like....LOUD, FAST, & FUN!!!!!!!! Here's where I'll be:

July 20: The Ralley in the Valley (Connellsville, PA) - This will be my 6th (I think) year at the Ralley. ALWAYS a fun time! If ya like hot rods, street rods, rat rods, R&R and pinups...this is the place to be! PLUS...I'll be playing with both bands! The Bessemers around 1pm and The Legendary Tremblers around 3:30 (as always, we'll be providing the tunes for the pin up competition...and we'll have the best view possible! LOL)

July 27: Howler's Coyote Cafe (Pittsburgh, PA) - This is gonna be a rare kinda night! It's our bass player Rob's 60th birthday! We're gonna show ya that old farts can outrock the kids any day of the week! Also on the bill will be legendary Pittsburgh rockers ATS! There's rumor that The Armadillos will be onboard too...but their bass player's wife is close to having a we'll see how that unfolds. Regardless, it's gonna be a night to remember!!!

The Bessemers may be playing at some vintage bike ralley in the afternoon...but that's not been confirmed yet.

October 11: We're doing a set at our bass player's daughter's wedding. Sorry kids...this is a private event.

In the inimitable words of Porky Pig, "Beebadabeedababee...That's All Folks!"

Stick around...ya never know what could happen next!

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