Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Wrath of the Night of the Dead Baby Joke

Soooooooooooooooooo...........an old friend defriended me on Facebooger tonight because of a dead baby joke. Really? Really!

I was informed that I have neither soul nor class. Personally, I think I have both in abundance. What I may lack is a boring, overly-sensitive sense of humor.

My friend was offended (for personal reasons). I understand her reasons. However, to explode and become vitriolic with me over a joke denotes that the problem isn't with me, my sense of humor, or the joke in question. Sure...the joke was gross and perhaps tasteless...but most jokes (that I find humorous) are. Most of my friends share the same sense of humor.

Most importantly, if you don't like it...don't read it! Don't tell me, or imply in any way whatsoever, what I can and cannot say. My Facebooger page is private...between me and my friends and family. If someone who has known me for almost 18 years hasn't figured out yet that I am who I am, then perhaps they've been too busy to pay attention to anything outside of their own manor.

Humor is a tool. Humor lightens my load, so to speak. I wouldn't wish the shit I've experienced on anyone. I am, by nature, a very happy person. I've had lots of bad things happen in my life...including what my friend was so offended by. Everyone has experienced good and bad in their life. No one person's pain is greater than another's nor is any one person's joy greater than another's.

All of that said, I've also experienced much joy in life. And I like a good joke. And lots of off-color jokes. And lots of really bad, corny jokes. I derive joy from humor. Humor helps ease the pain that we all experience. Humor can, and I say this from much experience, disarm an otherwise explosive moment. Humor can save the day!

I really pity those who can't enjoy a crude or gross joke. It shows lack of creativity, for starters. To think that everyone should share the exact same sense of humor (or style, or taste in music, art, food, etc.) is narrow-minded, boring, and positively fascistic.

Sadder are those who simply lack any sense of humor. I've known some of these folks. Heck, I have one or two in my family (they are, however, in a 12 step humor recovery program and doing nicely, thanks for asking). The thought of being serious ALL OF THE DAMNED TIME is my own personal idea of H-E- DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS!

To my now-defriended friend: it's OK. Your words didn't hurt me. They confused me a bit and perhaps left me sad for you but I don't hold grudges so easily. On the off chance that you read this, get ahold of me. We can talk it out like grown ups. If you were so seriously upset, I apologize. That was never my intention. Most of my friends are mature enough to recognize a joke...regardless of it's content.

To the rest of my friends: Q: Why did the dead baby cross the road? A: It was stapled to the chicken.

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