Monday, July 25, 2011

The Talking Dog

Really now, who wouldn't love a talking dog? So unique! A wonder! A mystery! But after a while, the novelty would probably wear off and you'd still have to feed it, take care of it, and clean up it's crap.

But what about the talking dog? How would it feel? Sure, it would probably enjoy the first. But you'd think that all of the hullabaloo would become tiresome after a while. And talk about lonely! Other dogs would probably be standoffish...considering that a talking dog is somewhat a freak of nature. Oh yeah...and since the normal dogs can't talk, there would be a definite communication barrier.

At what point, if any, would the talking dog feel normal...or at least at home? How would the talking dog differentiate between friends and curiosity seekers? How would the talking dog know who to trust?

Mind you, being a talking dog could be an amazing thing. The talking dog would presumably have insights to the dog world. The talking dog could explain the mysterious bond between humans and dogs that existed since prehistoric times. The talking dog could teach us all a new trick or two I'm sure!

But at what cost to the talking dog? My mind keeps thinking how miserable it would be to be that alone. Imagine being the only one of your kind. A true minority! How would that feel? I'm sure that at some point in all of our lives, we've all felt different or unique or felt like an outsider...but are we really? The answer would have to be no. None of us are ever so removed from society that we cannot find someone else who can relate. None of us will ever be talking dogs. And to that I say "WOOF!" (dog for "YAY!").

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