Saturday, July 16, 2011

And a time to vent...

For the most part, I enjoy my job. I am blessed to work with some truly unique clients. I work long, crappy hours for not much money. I work in the mental health field...a career choice only for those insane enough themselves to want to do it.

I'm lucky that in this horrendous economy, I even have a job!

But...I'm seriously thinking it may be time to walk. My boss, who tends towards occasional bursts of downright idiocy, has hired some of the most useless lumps of human waste I've ever met. The one couldn't wait to start using her paid time off. She now abuses it. 2 of the others fight with everyone in the building...except me. They both learned better their 1st week.

My boss is African. Than in itself is no problem. The problem I do see is her choice to keep hiring more Africans, even though the ones she hires seem to have zero qualifications. Favoritism much? Now the one gets to make her own schedule and every one else's. She is doing a LOUSY job of it. The newest one...has developed a dangerous habit of phoning me on my days off. This is not going to end well.

My plan to date has been to stay there for at least 2 more years while I go back to school. I'm now thinking I may just look for another job and try to find one to fit around my school schedule (once I start). Mind you, I'll stick with it at the Ha Ha Hacienda provided I can sort out the crap. But really...all of my files were just recently rearranged. I had them neatly in alphabetic order. Now, it seems that the alphabet starts with P and then goes to J then to B and so on...I'm a cranky mofo!

OK...just needed to vent. I feel better now. Maybe my meds are kicking in....

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