Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Cure for Health Care Reform

OK, this has long been an issue that I care strongly about. Health Care should not be an "issue", it should be a basic human right. Anyone that wants to argue THAT with me, please feel free. If you've ever suffered a major health issue, or had a loved one with a life long disorder, then you already know how expensive it is. Healthy people, while the majority, have no idea how lucky they are...nor do they realize how quickly all that can change.


According to the 2008 US Census, there are 304,059,724 people living in the US. That's just over 304 million. I'm using that figure as the basis for my equation. If the government were to institute a fractional sales tax, across the board, it would add up like this:

At 50 cents per day (minimum), that would add up to $152,029,862 raised per day or $55,490,899,630.00 per year. Yes, that's in excess of $55 billion. And thats a very minimum number. With a fractional, NATIONAL sales tax included in the price of everything we purchase, the number would be greater still. And it wouldn't be effecting any one group differently than another.

Rich people spend money. Middle class people spend money. Poor people spend money. Hell, even the homeless spend money! With a fractional sales tax (something as feasably low as .025%) this money could be raised...and none of us would "feel the pinch". So the price of something goes up anywhere from a penny to a few dollars (for really pricey items). Are you really going to notice it? And then, should the time come that YOU or a loved one needs to see a doctor, have tests run, spend time in the hospital, take medicine, etc...YOU WILL BE COVERED!!!!!!!! The insurance companies would be forced to offer "private insurance" to those who want it. And I can tell you, their premiums wouldn't be as insanely high as they are now! AND they would be more inclined to actually PAY OUT!

Sure, let some economists crunch my numbers. They'll see that it works. But Congress will most likely fight it...why? Because it makes sense and they don't get to give handouts to their pet lobbyists or special interest groups.

Well guess what people...the only special interest group that I give a damn about, especiialy on this issue, is my fellow Americans! This is good for ALL of us!

Sure, Congress will have to do something to keep the corporate world in check...and that might be a good thing too! It could bring about the end of the daily rip offs, frauds and scandals. (Oh who am I kidding! LOL)

But seriously, this works out to $182.50 per person per day that could be spent on health care...and guess what, most of it WON'T be used unless it's necessary! This won't create a nation of hypochondriacs...anymore than we already are! Most of you will go years without needing to spend a dime on health care...but wouldn't you feel better knowing that you're covered when/if you do?

Think about it.


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