Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Don't Be An Askhole

Askhole - A person who repeatedly asks for advice from multiple individuals, only to ignore aforementioned advice completely. The askhole will choose the least logical option (usually their own), skipping merrily down the path into unbridled oblivion, blissfully and willingly oblivious throughout the entire ordeal. (courtesy of

Just a thought on advice: If you're going to ask someones advice, ask a person who is likely to suggest against what you want to hear.

Why? Simple.

Asking advice in order to hear what you want to hear is self-serving. It means that you already know what you want to hear...but just want to hear it from someone else. That relieves you of some of the responsibility, should things go wrong.

When you ask the advice of someone likely to suggest against what you want to hear, you are likely to find yourself arguing FOR the points you want to hear, and you will learn to trust your own judgement and opinions, rather than relying on those of others. This is called being a grownup.

Don't be an Askhole.

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