Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Tale of 2 Couples

I am currently in my longest relationship ever. 5 years together. I'm 47. I've learned what not to do in a relationship. I think I've finally, after much trial and error, learned what makes a relationship work. Some folks are lucky and find the right one early on. This is a story about 2 such couples.

Beth & Ray were high school sweethearts. I was friendly with them both but not extraordinarily close. You could tell they dug each other. After graduation, I didn't think I'd ever see them again and wasn't particularly heartbroken. Nothing against them...they're both great people. Life just took us in different directions.

Fast forward nearly 30 years. I heard from Beth online. It's always nice to hear from someone from an earlier part of your life. You play catch up and see where life took that person. Much to my pleasant surprise, Beth and Ray got married, raised a family and have been living the dream, so to speak. I am, honestly, truly happy for them.

Now there's another couple I know, from high school, who are still together. When these two met, it was obvious that they were made for each other. Two more blissfully boring people were never born! They were both good friends of mine in school, and among friends, we all joked that warm milk was too exciting for them. Their names are Dan & Randy. They've been together for over 30 years now. Still happy. Still blissfully boring as hell. Nice house in a nice suburb. Boring jobs. Come home, peck on the cheek, dinner, a little TV, maybe a beer. Again, living the dream.

The only differences are simple: Beth & Ray were able to get married. Dan & Randy currently still cannot. Are their levels of commitment any different? Doesn't seem so to me. 3 decades together is 3 decades together. Beth & Ray raised a family. Dan & Randy don't have kids of their own. That's really about the only difference.

So why all the fuss about gay marriage? If two people are willing to spend their lives together, let them.

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