Friday, December 9, 2011


Being a musician, I have worked with many, many, many drummers. Drummers are an essential part of my music. A bad drummer can ruin a song quicker than anything. A good drummer can make a mediocre piece of music sound brilliant.

That said, drummers are the bane of my existence. They are, by and large, my favorite people in the world to drink with. They are usually a blast to hang out with. They often even have great production ideas in the studio! But then comes actually working with them.

While a drummer's job is to keep time, they don't understand the concept of clocks. If you tell them that load-in time is 6pm, they might be there by 8pm. Hence the concept of DST (Drummer Standard Time). If you want the drummer to be someplace on time, tell him to be there at least two hours before he/she needs to be there. This should mean they'll only be 20 minutes late.

And now, my favorite drummer jokes:

Q: What does it mean when a drummer is drooling out of both sides of his/her mouth?

A: It means the stage is level.

Q: What do you call those people who hang out with musicians?

A: Drummers.

I really do love drummers. Almost as much as I love having fun at their expense.

Merry Christmas to all of my drummer friends!

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