Tuesday, March 9, 2010

STILL Sober! (2 months, 9 days and counting...) :-)

Yes folks. I'm still sober. A lot of people seem to forget this. I haven't. While it was relatively easy to give up booze for me, I'd like to take a minute to explain just why I did it.

Do I think I'm an alcoholic? In short, no. That said, problems were starting to arise. I attribute some of them to just getting older but some may be rooted a bit deeper. My cousin nearly drank himself to death not long after my heart attack. That scared me.

Basically, I just no longer saw the use of drinking. I no longer enjoy the company of drunks. (snobby SOB ain't I? lol) Hear me out, I can't nor will I ever condemn anyone for having a drink...Lord knows I drank enough! LOL But after 30 years in the music biz, 30 years of playing in bars, nightclubs, afterhours joints, etc...I grew tired of it. I've never 'craved' alcohol. I've never felt dependent upon it. Sure, I had my pre-show ritual (2 beers) for years...but I've done quite a few shows stone cold sober too. In fact, my playing is BETTER when I'm sober...as long as the band is tight and the crowd is loose!

What does bother me is how everyone seems to equate me with beer/booze. I'm guessing that means that they are fondly equating me with 'good times'. Well folks, the best I can tell you is I'm still fun. I'm still me. I just no longer drink alcohol. Don't be afraid to drink around me...just please don't offer me a drink. If you ask me "why" I quit, I'll tell you...but it probably won't be the most fun bar room conversation you'll ever have! LOL

I quit for my own reasons and I'm happily sober. I don't have to worry about hangovers, DUIs, or wondering where all that money went! I've not joined AA...just not for me. I think AA/NA are wonderful for those who can benefit from them. Like I said, I'm not an alcoholic, I'm just a former drunk. And I plan to keep it that way!

Lastly, I'd like to thank someone for giving me the courage to quit. As she's a modest kinda gal, I'll just call her Miss Rule62. She knows who she is. I only wish that she could see herself through my eyes just once. I think she's an incredibly talented, intelligent, strong, kind, caring soul. She's even funny...but she told me once not to tell her that as she might believe it! LOL So, to Miss Rule62...Thank You! :-)

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