Sunday, February 9, 2020

Who You Diggin' Lately?

I've been a money-earning guitar basher for 40 years. Some might tell you I know what I'm doing. God and I will probably have a chuckle at that...but I digress.

People often ask me who I listen to. The answer could take weeks, possibly months, to answer...if its even possible. I listen to all sorts of music, for all sorts of different reasons. Some because its music I should listen to (Bach is at the top). Some simply because I dig it (The Blasters, The Beatles, The Ramones all come to mind). I love my blues! Gimme the Alberts (Collins/King), the Kings (BB, Albert, Freddie), the jazzier cats like Tiny Grimes, Bill Jennings, and Little Charlie. I listen to some music for inspiration, some for instruction. Some stuff I'll listen to on recommendation.

But just what the heck am I listening to these days? Aside from SEE ABOVE, this is a short list of my more recent go-to pickers...and what I dig about them.

Jim Campilongo: A bizarro Telebender. I first got hip to him when he was recording with the 10 Gallon Cats. It was sorta cowboy jazz, if you will. Really cool stuff. His post 10 Gallon Cats stuff is every bit as interesting. Whether he's playing solo, with his trio, with his country(ish) band, or anyone else...its always (at the very least) interesting listening. He's not a big effects guy. Give him a Tele and an old Princeton amp and let him rip. He also does a lot of how-to videos online. He has some pretty unique ideas. Definitely worth checking out.


"I'm Helen Keller and You're A Waffle Iron"

Redd Volkaert: I knew who he was from his work with Merle Haggard. I saw him live with Bill Kirchen and The Twangbangers. Pretty mindblowing country picking. Every so often I go online to see what he's doing these days. What he's doing is blowing guitar pickers' minds. His solo on "Crazy Arms" is just...crazy. Its like a trad jazz solo in the middle of a country classic...and it's AWESOME!

"Crazy Arms"

"Only Daddy That'll Walk The Line"

Kid Ramos: I first met the Kid years ago when he was playing with The Fab T-Birds (a band whose path I seem to cross frequently in my career). I always dug his playing. His choice of Vox amps was a bit mystifying to me...they either sound great or (to me) they sound brittle. Either way, he makes it sound awesome. When I'm in the mood to just hear some solid playing, Kid Ramos is a definite go-to.

"Burnin' The Chicken"

Junior Watson: Junior has been around forever. He should be more of a household name...but maybe I just don't visit enough households. He just might already be! His playing is what mine could be if I didn't goof off so much. He's got the whole jump/swing thing down to a science. I've included a version of his surf medley...just because it seems to be something us guitar bashers of a certain age start to do. Always fun!

"Surf Medley"

Naudo Rodrigues: Another of my go-to guys. Naudo is one of my fave pickers and I think, the one guitar player who has figured out how to do exactly what he wants to do. He makes his living playing in and around resorts in the Canary Islands. Just him and a guitar (and a small PA system). He's sort of a human jukebox. He can take almost any song and turn it into a virtuoso guitar piece. His playing style is kinda crazy too. I'd probably break a finger trying to do some of the stuff he does.

"Killing Me Softly"

Lianne La Havas: I love this gal! Most folks might be surprised at that, as she probably isn't what most would guess I listen too. Sorta jazz/R&B/soul/pop kinda stuff. Again, she should be more well-known (but I'm kinda glad she ain't...means she hasn't sold out...she does her thing). Prince adored her. That says a lot right there. I first heard her by pure coincidence about 8 years ago on the old Craig Ferguson show. Not only did I enjoy her song ("Age") but I really dug her playing style. And she looks sooooooooo damned happy when she performs! Nothing phony about her and her music. I've been listening to her for years now and I'm never disappointed. She's not a flashy picker. She's a chord gal. And she creates some beautiful music with some lush chords. She also shares a lot of similar tastes in guitars with me. And if that ain't enough, she's cuter than a bug's butt to boot!


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