Sunday, April 14, 2019

The "New" CD is here!!!!!!

It's called 7 More To Go. Its a running personal joke about cats having 9 lives and how many I might have left. Since you're here (presumably by choice) let me tell you about it.

The initial tracking was recorded in 2007. Brian Francis, the drummer who worked with me in Australia, was up for a visit. He'd never recorded before, so I decided to change that. I called my friend and fave engineer Dave Granati and scheduled a few hours of studio time. What happened next was a testament to how well we all work together.

In a matter of roughly 3 hours, we recorded 16 tracks. Most, Brian had never heard nor played before. Basically I told him "It goes like this" and away we went. One track actually took 3 takes! Damned prima donna drummers. The rest of 2007 didn't go so well for me. I was able to finish two of the tracks (with bassist Rob Jacob) to be included on our 2008 release on Cracked Piston Records 'LIVE In Australia' but life had become too insane to finish the rest of the album.

Fast forward to 2010. I was finally able to finish the album. I wanted upright bass on it, so I borrowed my friend Bobby's old Kay upright and got er done. I was ready to release it but the market had gone way south. I knew I couldn't release it without it being immediately bootlegged. I dipped my toe in the world of downloads and streaming for the next few years but that, as anyone knows, is just glorified theft. Without physical inventory, you have to hope that the entity you're doing business with will be honest. They won't. To date, your (possibly) fave merchant of choice  owes me a few thousand dollars that I know I'll never see. In this biz, less than 5000 units is considered a waste of time to chase down the money for. It'll cost more to get it than you'll actually get. So, I let it sit. And sit. And sit.

I recorded other stuff with other people. Same things happened. Bootlegged, ripped off, the usual. I kept writing. I now have enough material for about 3-4 albums worth of stuff. I've got one helluva backlog! And, most humbling, people often ask for new music from me. So, I decided to give it go.

My friend Al Leatherwood has used this company in the past, and I can say that the physical production quality is amazing. No pressure for big orders either. Once uploaded, you just need to order 1 copy every 6 months to keep it in the system. Otherwise, you start over...which really ain't a big deal either. I got my preview copy of the disc the other day and damn, I was impressed with the quality. Definitely retail ready.

Downloads? I don't think so. That might work for some of you but not for me. If I'm gonna get screwed, at least buy me dinner, a few drinks, and take me out to breakfast the next morning. If you want this disc, I'll happily make it available. I plan to have physical copies available at shows, I might put up my website again, and I'll make sure you can order it online. Again, I was impressed with the physical copy, and the music...well, it's mine. I obviously think these are songs YOU might like.

So how do YOU get a copy? Click HERE. 

So you want a sample too? Jeez,you're tough to please but OK! Here's a promo for one of the songs. Hope you like it!

OK, I hope you enjoyed that! Hope to see YOU at a show sometime! Support LIVE music. You just might have some fun and you might hear something you like. It might improve your life. Really.

Until next time kids....SEEEEEEEEE YA!!!!!!!!

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