Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What if...

Ask yourself this: Why does Donald Trump want to be President? What could possibly be in it for him, aside from the need for power and to make himself look like a big shot? If he's worth anywhere near his claims, the $400k annual salary is chump change to him.

Should he be elected, consider this: there's a strong possibility that he'll just quit. He has a long history of walking away when he can't personally benefit or when a situation no longer does so. Remember these?

Trump Airlines
Trump beverages
Trump: The Game
Trump casinos
Trump magazine
Trump Mortgage
Trump Steaks
Trump's travel site
Trump's comms company
Trump Tower Tampa
Trump University
Trump Vodka

These are just some of his more notable business failures. And what did he do? He walked away.

So what if he gets elected and we don't all bow before him? If that wall isn't at least started within his first 100 days, he'll begin to lose the faith that his deluded followers have. His approval ratings will redefine 'low'. Chances are he'll walk away. He wouldn't be the first Republican POTUS to resign.

Now ask yourself who is going to become President should this happen? Look at any of the short lists for potential GOP running mates and ask yourself, "Do I want this person as President?"

For all we know, this could be the endgame. Elect a seemingly unelectable lunatic, he resigns, and we the people get stuck with someone clever enough to have run the scam on us.

Trump will walk away, write a book, give lectures, and return to real estate. If he's worth the billions he claims, it would just be another chapter in his memoirs.

Pay close attention kids! It's about to become very, very interesting.

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