Sunday, August 25, 2013

A few thoughts on nudity...

Well alrighty then! Today, there is supposed to be a "topless" march here in Pittsburgh. Sorry, I don't have all of the information but I'm sure a quick Google search will give you all you need to know.

That said, why is it that most cultures are so damned afraid of nudity? Most people are born with nipples and genitalia. Personally, I have no real desire to see most of humanity's "bits and bobs" but if someone doesn't feel like getting dressed, I don't really have a problem with that either.

I have a belief that most things that are considered taboo, are considered so because someone, way back in our collective ancestry, was afraid that someone might enjoy it. It's the whole concept of guilt. If you enjoy something, it can't be good for you. Hogmuffins!

The more you tell people that they can't or shouldn't do something, the more likely it is that they want it. Case in point: boobs. If a woman wants to walk around topless, let her. Men do it. I, for one, am not likely to become overstimulated and attack a woman just because her tatas are flopping about. Sure, I might pay attention if it's Salma Hayek...but I'm picky that way. I can imagine what some of the women on the bus would look like topless...and trust me, the thought does NOT excite me. But, if, say, it's hot out, and a gal would feel cooler topless, who am I to stop her? If you don't want to see her fun bags, don't look. Pretty simple.

Same goes for TV. If something comes on that you don't want to see, change the damned channel. Our civilization acts as though we would all be struck blind if a nipple, genital, or buttocks were to be shown on television. I've watched enough National Geographic specials to know that this isn't the case. (that said, I DO wear glasses...trifocals to be exact...possible from watching too many National Geographic specials...but more probably due to a genetic predisposition)

It's the 21st century, yet many of us act like it's the 17th century when it comes to nudity. Back then, people covered up because it was more comfortable. Nowadays, we have central heat and air conditioning. It still gets hot. If someone feels more comfortable with their junk hanging out, good for them! It's natural. We were all born naked...and some of us will die naked. What's the big hullabaloo?

If you don't want to show your stuff...fine. Don't do it. If someone wants to show theirs, fine. Let them. If you don't want to see it...don't look! No one is forcing  you. I have never seen anyone forcibly dragged into a strip joint against their will and made to look at nudes. I just don't believe that happens, at least not with any regularity. (That said, if it does happen, who pays the cover charge?)

This topless march seems to be some sort of feminist movement sort of thing. Sounds a bit 1960s to me...but...if these gals want the right to go topless, give it to them. Most are conditioned to not do so anyway...and I'd be willing to bet that most would never go topless because they feel they don't live up to the media's ideal presentation of mammarial protuberances.  Get over it. The number of people out there who look like super models is pretty low. The average person, male or female (or anywhere in between), will probably never be the centerfold for an adult publication....and so what? People are people. We all do what we have to to get by and sometimes we just need to be comfortable. Why deny anyone the right to a bit of personal comfort?

OK ladies...SHOW YOUR TITS!!!!!!!!


  1. It's always amazed me that we are OK with high levels of violence in entertainment -- people being shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, kicked, beaten, blown to bits -- but we get the vapors over a bared breast at the Super Bowl. The latest Tarentino film was the most violent thing I've ever seen in a movie theater, and it gets Oscar nominations by the truckload. Don't even get me started about violent video games. I'm with you, Mike, people should be free to let it all hang out. If you're offended, don't look.

  2. AMEN!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting to see a movie about violent, gorey, zombie boobs attacking Canada! LOL

  3. LOL! I, for one, am all for nudity! That way you know what your getting before you buy it. Men wouldn't have to feign attraction(cos they couldn't-or at least most can't)and women wouldn't have to deal with "yeah I'm fucking HUGE!" when they need a straw to hit the urinal! (and yes guys, I am a woman who swears, so fuckin deal with it!)
