Thursday, November 8, 2012

Respect OUR Flag

Tuesday night, Obama won re-election. This is neither news (now) nor a surprise to anyone with a functioning brain. He was the better of the two (main) candidates, and he won the election.

Early Wednesday morning, I heard (via the interweb) that a neighbor was considering flying the flag, OUR flag, upside down in protest. I told this person (again, via the interweb) that if that were to happen, I would be more than happy to come over and fix it.

I chalked it up to election night mania. I mean really...who in their right mind would be so disrespectful of OUR flag to actually do such a thing. Then came the news. This was not a random, isolated thought. It appears to be a conspiracy of like-minded folks...aka, The Tea Party...the uber right wing fanatical pawns of the Republican Party.

It's pretty much a given that Teabillies are less-than-correctly informed. They like to believe they are informed because they give credence to the fear mongers who play on their deepest collective fears. But...these Teabillies like to see themselves as patriots. I will commend them for their love of country. Too bad it's based on mass hysteria and propaganda rather than actual facts. They fear that the world is laughing at US. In fact, the world is laughing at THEM.

Let's face facts. Like it or not, Obama has won re-election. That means, barring incident, he is President for the next 4 years. Romney lost the election the same way that Gore did in 2000 (minus the hanging chads). Mind you, the 2000 race was much closer than this year's. Bush won 271 electoral votes to Gore's 266. Regardless of the popular vote, Obama won. Just like Bush won in 2000 (again, regardless of the popular vote).

The Teabillies are throwing a temper tantrum over it. They didn't get their way. Like spoiled children, they're pitching a collective fit. What I find especially funny is that these same Teabillies, who pride themselves on adherence to the Constitution (when it's convenient to do so) are missing the obvious (again): The United States Electoral College is the institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United States every four years. Electors are chosen by each state of the United States and by the District of Columbia. Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution specifies the number of electors to which each state is entitled and state legislatures decide how they are chosen. The Twenty-third Amendment specifies the number of electors for the District of Columbia.

So how do these Teabillies show their discontent? By threatening to, or actually flying OUR flag upside down. While this may seem trivial to some, it is extremely offensive to others.

My father was a captain in the US Army. I have a cousin who is a general in the USMC.  I had planned to go career military but health issues (deafness, bad back, and a history of depression...for those who feel the need to know) left me permanently disqualified from duty.

 Many of my friends and many of my former clients are veterans. These people have served their country and when called upon to do so, fought for this country and the many rights we all share. Many...too many...have lost life or limb in ensuring our continued freedom and liberties. To display OUR flag...THEIR flag...upside down is nothing short of a direct insult to the veterans and the citizens of this country.

The flag, OUR flag, is only to be displayed upside down in times of DIRE DISTRESS (under the Flag Code). Losing an election is NOT dire distress. Acting out in such a way is not's immature. It's the act of a bunch of crybabies.

I'm sorry to say this...but these acts by these whining, sniveling fools is nothing more than a scream for attention and an attempt to divide this country further. In my 46 years, I have never seen this country so divided. It is both sad and globally humiliating for the world to see us at our worst like this.

While I would normally never ask anyone to do something like this...this silliness needs to stop. Pronto! If YOU see someone displaying OUR flag upside down, call them out on it. If you know a veteran, ask them to explain to the offender how wrong and offensive this is. If you know a Cub Scout, Brownie, Boy Scout or Girl Scout, ask them to explain to the offender the proper way to display OUR flag.

These Teabillies are NOT the enemy. They are our brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and fellow Americans. They have been lied to, deceived, used and now, feel humiliated. They are acting out and it will probably get worse if left alone.

Do not ignore the challenge they are laying before you. They are challenging the rest of us to show that we love our country as much as they hate OUR President. I say OUR President because that is exactly who Obama is. The President of the UNITED States of America. Not just the President of the overwhelming majority who voted for him. He is OUR President. He is OUR leader. OUR Commander-In-Chief.

Don't allow these right wing fanatics to disrespect OUR flag, OUR veterans, or OUR citizens. We should ALL be coming together for the betterment of OUR country and OUR country's future...NOT acting like immature brats.

United we stand. Divided we fall. And I'll be damned if I'll let this country fall while I'm still drawing breath.

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