Friday, July 6, 2012


Fads. Trends. Popularity. Says WHO????

Corporations want to rob YOU of your identity. The corporations want to tell YOU what to like...what's "popular"...they want you to think that if YOU dress like/listen to/watch/eat/drink/consume their latest offering, that you too will be popular and beautiful.


My dear departed mum always said to me "Be an individual"...and she may be the only person I've ever really listened to.

That atrocious outfit that you're wearing...that cost much more than it's worth and was probably stitched together by a child in a sweat shop...why did you buy it? What about it made you think "I should own/wear this"? How about the crap you watch on TV (and yes, it is crap. ALL of it. EVEN Big Bang Theory...which I do enjoy) and the so-called music you listen to. Take a minute and look at how cookie cutter it all is. Mass-manufactured by a corporation for your consumption. We're all becoming a globally homogeneous race of lemmings.

Individuality is a vanishing trait. Don't think for a minute that it's not. Take a good long look in the mirror...just how unique are you? What have you created? What have you done that's different? Oh sure, many of you think that you're rebels...standing out from the norm with your tattoos, piercings and political statements. OK then...look at your friends. Are you starting to see the similarities? Are you starting to finally see your own uniform?  Fashion, fads, trends...whatever you want to call's all bullshit designed to keep you in line. Don't upset the applecart! Your corporate overlords wouldn't like that...and if you step out of line, you will be laughed at, ridiculed, tormented...bullied!

Bring it on.

Look around you. How many chain stores/restaurants/coffee shops do you see? All the same, no matter where you go. All designed for your comfort and consumption...and to keep you in line. You should avoid these places like the plague. If you want a cup of coffee...make one...or go to a small Mom & Pop shop. It'll probably be cheaper and taste better. McDonalds? Hell no. If I want a donut, I doubt I'll go to Dunkin Donuts! I'd rather find a bakery. Owned by real people. People who know that their existence depends on how much love and passion they put into their donuts.

If it costs more, it must be better...right? That's what the corporate world wants you to think...and you believe it. The latest blockbuster movie cost $200million to it must be better than an indie film right? The latest musical issue from Madonna, which took years and cost a fortune must be better than some little band you've never heard of, right? Or did it just take all of that time and money because she lacks talent and it took that much longer to collect enough songs and then make it appear listenable. But can listen to whatever you like. Just remember who's selling it to you.

Republican, Democrat...or even Libertarian. All jokes. All bought and paid for by their own corporate overlords. Wave your flag (probably Made In China) and stomp your soapbox. This side is right, that side is wrong. You all deny the common truth that none of you want to hear. You're ALL wrong.  Their special interest is bad...but your special interest isn't? A rose by any other name my darlings.  What's good for ONE should be good for ALL. If you don't want it, don't use it.  Governments exist because you asked for it. We all keep voting for the same wolves in sheep's clothing, time after time. It's all nothing more than a popularity contest...and remember, who decides what's popular? Not you or me.

Do I sound paranoid? I'm not. I see life pretty clearly. Always have. I live pretty comfortably. I'm about function over style...always have been. If clothes are comfy (and clean!), I wear them. I don't care what Mr. or Mrs. Jones thinks. I've never had trouble getting laid. I listen to what I enjoy, read what I enjoy, watch what I enjoy. If I can't find it, I create it. If I can't create it, I find someone who can teach me how. Sure, I occasionally have to deal with the corporate process. It's so ingrained in our society, only a true hermit can live without it. But I keep it to a minimum. I think you should give it a try. You might enjoy it.

Until then, press your uniform, polish up your badge (or piercing, or tattoo), and goosestep along in your wingtips/flip flops/Dr. Marten's boots/sneakers/etc. Believe what the corporations tell you to believe. You may actually think the news is real. Or is it just what the corporations want you to believe?  Bitter pills are the hardest to swallow.

One last question. Why are there all of these cell phone shops? Who are you going to call? You're already in touch with the world constantly. That's the beauty of technology, isn't it? Or is it a double-edged sword? Maybe, just maybe, your every step is being followed. Hell, no maybes about it. If you own a computer or cell phone, it is. The proverbial Big Brother is watching you, and you ask him to hold your camera while you pose for the picture. You're paying him to babysit you. And...he's taking notes like an evil Santa...finding out who's naughty and who's nice...and then he lets you know just where to find your kink. Another satisfied customer.

We are not alone....and probably never will be again.  ;-)

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