Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Lottery Ticket

Lent is about to start and for many, that means giving up a few things. Not being one to observe Lent, it's always been my assumption that one is to give up something of importance and pleasure. For some it could be as simple as giving up broccoli (I, for one, can get behind that!) or chocolate or beer. I have a friend who is a gambler and every year for Lent, he gives up gambling. In essence, he takes a 6 week vacation. Some years he is better prepared than others. He's done this as long as I've known him and I've yet to see him starve. Mind you, I also take him at his word that he's not gambling...

I've never been much of a gambler myself. Sure, I've thrown some money at slot machines and blackjack tables...but that was years and years ago. I used to visit Las Vegas now and then. Never anything big...unless you count the one trip where I found myself $2000 ahead and decided to blow it all (except for $75 I left in the safe in the room) on the last night just to experience what it would be like to be a 'big spender'.

That said, I do like to play the Powerball lottery now and then. And really...who doesn't? A ticket costs a buck (I think). I know I'm not going to win. The Powerball's website states that the odds of winning the jackpot are 1 in 175,223,510. Sure...it could happen...but I ain't holding my breath.

So why do it then? Simple: it gives me a chance to dream and dream bigger than I ever dare. I'm pretty conservative by nature (I can see some of my friends laughing at that!) and I've always tried to be especially thrifty with what little money I have. But with the purchase of that Powerball ticket (or Megamillions...or whatever is over $100 million at the time), I can dream of all of the things I would do with that money.

Sometimes I dream of buying an island and getting away from everyone and everything. Sometimes I dream of giving it all away. I mostly dream of taking care of those that I love; trust funds for my nieces and nephews; paying off bills and debts for friends and family. Those are probably the dreams I think about the most as I hold on to that ticket for a few days until the drawing. I usually don't even watch the drawing. I'm too busy enjoying the dreams. Like I said, I know I won't win. Besides, I already have more than most and I'm happy in more ways than many.

The next time you're feeling down, go buy a lottery ticket. You probably won't win. If you're down to your last buck, for Pete's sake...don't waste it on a lottery ticket! But...if you have a spare buck and want to dream for a little while, go for it. Just remember to dream big enough for all of those that you love and care about.

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