Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear Ladies...

It seems like almost anytime I get on the Internet, I notice some post or article about women and their bodies. The main reasons for this is probably because A) All women have bodies and B) a lot of men enjoy looking at them.

However, you women have been duped. I know this, you know this and most men know this. The media and fashion industry (which is mostly made up of gay men who like scrawny little twinks) have led you to believe that there is something wrong with your body. HOGWASH!

Women have curves. Men LIKE those curves! Some women are curvier than others and some are not very curvy at all (but still have curves). Guess what? We men like that too! Some women will have scars. Some will have laugh lines. Some will have less than perfect teeth. Hell, some might have webbed feet and/or an extra or missing digit! Guess what? We men are OK with all of that too!

In my life I've had the distinct pleasure of working with a lot of so-called "famous women". You women know who I mean...the stars! The ones that YOU're led to believe you should try to emulate. HA! Let me tell you a few stories that I've witnessed first hand.

There's a very famous actress I worked with once. Tall, lean, blonde...a real beauty. On the screen that is. In real life, she tends to be dirty (as in DOESN'T LIKE TO BATHE!), smelly, weird and badly dressed. She also tends to lie about her food choices too. For a vegetarian, I've seen her scarf down some large quantities of meat. Maybe she was researching a role as a carnivore. Her hair tends to be greasy and stringy. Her skin is blotchy. She is gangly and not particularly graceful. But...she has personality and was actually a bit of fun. If you saw her off-screen, you probably wouldn't give her a second look. Onscreen, she looks HOWEVER THEY WANT HER TO LOOK!

A famous singer I know comes to mind. My ex girlfriend always referred to her as "that fat-assed bitch". Having no idea who she was at the time, I thought she was a hooker. Badly dressed, way too much make up and spending an obscene amount of time trying to get my attention...even though my girlfriend at the time was only a few feet away. Her hair was a mess, her posture iffy and she looked nasty. But to see her in one of her music videos or on a magazine cover, you'd think she was H-O-T!

I could list numerous gals like this. Guess what ladies...they all wake up with morning face and dragon breath just like the rest of us. Their "looks" are bought and paid for. Nowadays, most actresses and models workout 4-8 hours per day. They have to. It's part of their job!

You "normal"'re the lucky ones! You get to look good without even having to try! I love going to the grocery store and seeing a beautiful woman all dressed down. No make up, sweat pants, not giving a crap about much aside from getting her shopping done and getting the hell on home! I have news for you; we men like this! Sure, we like to see women dolled up now and then but really, we like you just as you are!

At the ripe old age of 45, I consider myself blessed. I can, without risk of feeling overly creepy, check out women of all ages. I've seen some gals in the late 50s look a helluva lot hotter than some of the 20-somethings I've seen out there! Let's face it, Emmy Lou Harris looks better now than ever!

So, the next time you're fretting over not looking just like a model in that new outfit, remember this: you look great! You really do! If you want to exercise and eat all super healthy to feel better, that's great. But you should feel good about yourself just for being YOU. That's who us guys really like. Sure we like some eye candy...who doesn't? You can make yourself look like a super model...but if you're a boring, stupid, or mean person...guess what, us guys will walk away. And a note to you women who look like supermodels and have a great personality but still can't land a man: guess what, most men will consider you beyond their reach. You may have to reach out to us. We're OK with that too! How do you think I got together with MY girlfriend?

In closing, women...we men love you! All of you! It's our nature. But remember...we also like football and sitting around in our underwear drinking beer. We're simple. That's really how we like things. Don't try to change us and we won't try to change you.

And no...your butt doesn't look fat in those jeans...and if it does, we probably like that too!

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile from to ear-to-ear, Mike! :-) When I re-entered the world of dating at age 51 (and now I'm 53), I wondered if there were men that would find an older gal like me..., free of hair dye, botox, and the like..., to be attractive. To my surprise (and happily so), I very quickly discovered that the kind of men that I would find interesting preferred a woman of "substance" over a younger, more physically beautiful woman. I am currently involved with a very attractive man 10+ years my junior, and he has no complaints about my physical appearance. Period. I tell my younger girlfriends when they fret about their "imperfections...," "Has a man ever told you to put your clothes back on? If not, then why are you focusing so much attention on your body?" As you already know, a woman who is confident about herself is far more appealing to men in every way. Thank you for so wittily revealing the truth behind what we see on television and in magazines, as well as a man's point of view on what is attractive in a woman! xo
