Friday, December 24, 2010
An Open Letter to Tom Jones
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Digital Lo Fi: The technology behind "7 More To Go"

Friday, December 3, 2010
Another Year Almost Done
This time of year I always try to think back on what's happened in the past year. 2010 has been an exceptionally WEIRD but WONDERFUL year!
It's been 3 years since my heart attack and I'm still kicking! The legal mess continues and while some would be ready to give up, I refuse to. As my beloved Aussies say, "She'll be right mate".
I can say that I've been blessed in many ways...some obvious, some not so obvious. This year I got back into my field and damn, I missed it! 2 years away from it seemed like a lifetime! If you're not lucky enough to have a career that you love, stop what you're doing and find one! It makes all the difference in the world! I'm proud to say that I've made a difference in the lives of some very special clients...including one who everyone had pretty much given up on. He & I now share a trust and friendship that I have to say was hard won but worth every minute. His finding the ability to trust someone has trickled into the rest of his life and he's getting on better with his peers. I am sooooooo lucky for the job I have!
My health gave me a scare for a few months but so far so good. I'll be getting the official word next Friday on the big "C". In the past 2 months, it seems to have vanished! WOOOOOT!!!!!!!!
I feel good. What more can I say?
I've made some great friends in the past year and deepened some existing friendships. Best of all, a very dear friendship that I'd feared I'd lost for some time, has been rekindled and is again the beautiful friendship it has always been. You know who you are. Thank You for being YOU and for being a very large part of my life!
The young'un still hasn't run off I must be doing SOMETHING RIGHT! LOL
The family all seem to be doing well. The cats are fat and happy. My guitar collection is growing again. AND I've finished the new CD. Life is good!
Take a moment and look around you and take a look at your life. I hope that you all are as blessed and happy as I am. If you're not, take the time to do the things that will make it better. Like I said before, it really is worth it.
Here's wishing you all the happiest of holidays, regardless of what you celebrate. If you don't celebrate anything at all, take some time and celebrate life. You only get one chance at it...make it count!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thanksgivus: that's what she called it. The 'she' in question would be a very short, loud, middle aged black woman with retardation who I supervised for years. Her name is Omega...fitting because she truly is THE END!
Omega didn't exactly have a speech problem but I think her hearing wasn't 100% on the mark, as certain words would get slurred together such as "Thanksgivus". Another fave was her version of Social Security, which often sounded more like "sociable secretary" (of which I've known a few).
Thanksgivus (which is what I now prefer to call the US holiday Thanksgiving) is the last Thursday of November (this is for my overseas friends who may not be fully knowledgeable of the subject). It is the holiday where we Americans give Thanks to God for giving us BIG tasty birds, punkin pie & cranberry sauce...all courtesy of a tribe that we soon took great pains to wipe out. In short, when those Pilgrims (essentially English religious nuts) 1st landed at Plymouth Rock, they didn't have a CLUE what they were doing or what they were in for!
After that 1st winter (what do you mean "No Central Heating"???), most of the Pilgrims had died off. A few hearty ones remained (probably by eating the others...but that story seems to have vanished in the annals of history) and it was looking bleak for them, as they didn't know SQUAT about farming North American soil. Luckily, the Indians (bite me, I will NOT be PC) took pity on them, showed them what to do and the Pilgrims survived. They did sooo well, in fact, they had a big feast and invited the Indians. When the Indians showed up, they realized that white folks are either really bad at planning feasts or are just stingy, so they sent some braves to go kill a half dozen or so deer....gotta make sure ya don't leave the table unless yer ready to burst....STILL an American Thanksgivus tradition. NOWHERE on the menu was green bean casserole....PLEASE make note of that! (the Americans reading this will get the humor)
Finally, sometime in the 19th century, after decades of confusion as to what this "New England" holiday was and when it was supposed to be observed, some mad woman wrote everyone in the colonies suggesting the last Thursday in November...just in time to mark the start of Xmas shopping season!
Now, contrary to what some of my English colleagues have been lead to believe, Thanksgivus is NOT the American Xmas. Trust me, NO ONE on this planet overdoes Xmas like the Americans! Here it is, the Sunday BEFORE Thanksgivus and I'm looking out my front door at my neighbor's Xmas lights! 1 month 5 days before we celebrate the Man's b-day (even though we have the date wrong)...1 month 5 days of looking at those damned lights! Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays as much if not more than most people...but I like things to be done for the right reasons...not just to be the 1st, best or brashest.
For the holidays, I wish you all peace, happiness and a full belly. May your homes be filled with laughter (and not just the canned version coming from your TV). May your pockets never be empty, maybe your fridge always be full (with at least 1 6pack of decent case I should stop by lol) and may your troubles be few & far between.
In fact, I don't just wish you these things for the holidays...I wish them for you all EVERYDAY.
I'm having a few friends over (as usual) this year for Thanksgivus. It might not be the fanciest dinner but I hope to guarantee all a good meal, a full belly and someplace to sit and digest and enjoy some good company after (and long as they stay OUTTA MY WAY in the kitchen...Chris...take note).
We will revel in the death of a turkey. We shall take delight in the taters, which will be mashed. The rolls will hopefully not be slightly burned on the bottoms...but if they are, that's what butter, gravy & butter knives are for! The veggies will be plentiful and not overcooked. The pie will be chocolate cream...NOT PUNKIN! (my tradition...not yours, OK? ) And yes Virginia...there will most likely be cranberries of some sort...JUST NO DAMNED GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE...PLEASE!
*2010 Update: I'll be at work this year for Thanksgivus. I'm very thankful for having a job that I love (that is also paying me an obscene amount to work on the holiday) and I'm thankful for having great people in my life. You all know who you are! Happy Thanksgivus! Everyone!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Do We Really Want THAT Again???
Here's a little reminder of just how 'well' their way worked. In June of 2008, gas prices here in Pittsburgh were at an average of $4.05 per gallon. They are currently $2.85. In June of 2008, at least a third of the people I know were either unemployed or grossly underemployed. Banks were falling apart. Homes were being foreclosed left and right (I can think of at least a half dozen in my neighborhood alone). Things looked pretty grim.
Obama was elected President and the Republicans lost no time in starting their racist rhetoric. Was he a Muslim? Was he born in the US? Was he a space alien? What he was, and is, is a half black, half white AMERICAN man who was elected President and is making good on his promises.
Sure, it's not happening overnight. Remember, when George W. Bush took the office, we had a surplus. Remember those Bush Bucks? Then the wars started. As one who lost a loved one on 9/11, I was angry enough to blow up the whole world...but thankfully cooler heads prevailed. Instead, we, the US, waged a multibillion dollar per month war...for oil. Saddam Hussein wasn't hiding any least none that were ever found. No, we wanted him out of power so that we could put our own people in power...and attempt to set up a stronghold in oil country.
Somewhere along the line, The Tea Party came about. If you spend 5 minutes researching, you'll find that they're financially backed by the Republicans. (see the latest issue of Rolling Stone for a great article on it) The Tea Partiers, who are all desperate and angry at the world, have grown due in large part to mass hysteria and paranoia.
Sarah Palin, who should've limped back to Alaska after the election and RESUMED HER ELECTED POSITION AS GOVERNOR, decided it would be more fun (and profitable) to become a celebrity. The woman is useless. Period.
All of the politicians attempting to win your vote are all in it for the same thing. Their own agenda. They all spout the same lies. I refuse to vote for ANYONE running a mud-slinging campaign. Tell me what you REALLY plan to do IF elected. But oddly enough, I haven't heard anyone here in PA say anything more than the usual...lower taxes, create more jobs, call 'the other guy' a lying, cheating, asshat.
Before you vote next week (and I really hope you all get out and vote your conscience) ask yourself: Do we really want to go back to $4.05 per gallon of gas?
I'm Mike Metzger and I approve this message!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
In Support Of Live Music
I swear, there should be a test/licensing involved in becoming a concert promoter! I haven't met many that have the intelligence beyond that of a hydrocephalic spider monkey. At least not locally.
I had planned to go to see former Wall of Voodoo singer Stan Ridgway last night at a SMALL bar here in town. I've played this joint numerous times over the years and I'll tell ya, its a nice place. When I got there, I see the poster on the door and the promoter is charging $23 a head! First off...WEIRD price! Why not just make it $25? The section of town this bar is in is pretty low rent/blue collar. People want to go out and have some drinks and a bit of fun. They do NOT want to drop $20+ just walking in the door. (this ain't NYC or LA!) Factor in having a few drinks....and if you're with a date, double everything. This fun night out has just increased to at least a $100. Hopefully you ate dinner at home.
This is not in anyway putting down Stan Ridgway or any musician. We're all worth what we're worth and touring costs money. Travel expenses, hotels, meals, tour insurance, etc. The artist hopes to make their money from fees and merchandise sales. Stan writes some good stuff...even if he's best remembered for "Mexican Radio". Reality is, that was over a quarter century ago. The average bar patron around here is going to view him as a one hit best.
The problem goes back squarely to the promoter. The promoter's job is to book the artist and place them in an appropriate venue, advertise the show and collect the money. As for advertising, there wasn't least that I knew of! I heard about the show word of mouth. I'm not a huge fan but figured what the heck...dude is in town, its not far from home, how much could be? I flat out refused to pay $23 just on principal. Its a bar gig for Pete's sake! I'm sure Mr. Ridgway has a set fee for Saturday nights and hopefully he got paid his due...but the promoter should've used some common sense and either booked this show in a larger venue or negotiated for a lower fee commensurate with venue size and potential crowd expectation.
In short, if you're going to book a show...research it! Will this artist draw a crowd? If you're unsure, do everything in your power to attract the potential crowd. That way, the next time that artist comes around, those people will be back and probably bring their friends with them...guaranteeing (you guessed it) MORE MONEY! If you're calling yourself a promoter, PROMOTE! Slapping up a couple posters here & there doesn't cut it. Make sure the press is all over it and make sure its advertised HEALTHILY on radio (internet too). I usually have the radio on at work, tuned to the local station that would put Stan Ridgway into its rotation, especially knowing he had an upcoming gig here. Not once did I hear one of his songs or mention of the show. BAD PROMOTER!!!!! Grease a few palms if you have to!
Pittsburgh "promoters" are notorious for these types of shenanigans. I remember the last time The Blasters were in town. Mike Elko (pure evil if there ever was!) booked them at The Rex theater and the only reason I knew about it was a friend had an art opening across the street and I'd seen a poster at The Rex the day before! The turnout was "ok", probably due in part to me calling about 50 people and telling them! None had known The Blasters had a show booked! Most made it to the show I might add. The Blasters were less than thrilled with the evening...although they put on as good a show as I've ever seen them play. Just shows what a bunch of real pros they are!
Pittsburgh's "promoters" are a lazy bunch...all hoping to make a quick buck. They don't realize that its a JOB and requires WORK on their part. Everyone needs to be paid. The venue needs to make it's money as does the artist (and opening act if applicable). Sure, it's a lot of work. But then again, no one forced anyone to become a concert promoter. The economy is rough but people still want to be entertained. Work with what you have. If, as a promoter, you can't make a show affordable, you may have to pass on it. Sad but true.
I'm sure this blog will do lots to bolster my popularity with the local promoters! But then again, I made it around the world without their help. I hope that those who went to the Stan Ridgway show had a blast. I'm sure he put on a good show. I just wasn't going to pay "this certain promoter" for his lack of work ethic. Its the principal of it....
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Another year....
I think I've changed alot since I lost you. I think you'd love me even more (if that's possible). I think you'd be proud of how I handle things these days. I guess you could say I've "mellowed". I have to wonder what you'd be like today. I wonder what would have become of "us". I still think of you on your birthday. Hell, I still think about you almost everyday. I've got cancer again...I'm glad you don't have to go through that with know what a младенец I can be when I'm sick. LOL
It amazes me how much I still miss you...even after all we went through. You still invade my dreams and my music. I can still feel your presence even after 9 years. While I'm still sad, I smile knowing that we were such large parts of each other's lives. I remember how we couldn't stand each other when we first met. I remember calling you an annoying bitch and you calling me an arrogant bastard. I remember seeing you at the party that changed our lives. I was leaving and you asked for a ride. I still think you deliberately got us lost just so you could spend more time with me! LOL I wonder how many more memories we could have made together.
My hair is going gray. I remember when I got my first gray hairs...and you pointed them out while we were driving after a rainstorm. Then the big truck came along and drenched you! LOL I always swore you caused my gray hairs...but it was funny seeing karma come along and drench you with puddle water! LOL The look on your face was priceless...and yet still absolutely beautiful. Even with your hair soaked and your wee bit of makeup all smeared, you were still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
There's someone in my life now. You'd like her. Who knows, maybe you had something to do with us finding each other. Wouldn't be the first time, would it? LOL Damn...I still laugh and smile when I think of you. What a beautiful way to memorialize someone!
The anniversary of your murder still gets people riled up. This year, some idiot preacher wanted to burn Korans. When will people learn? Aggression just begets more aggression. I've been studying Buddhism lately...and I think that despite your loathing of all things "religious", that you'd appreciate the sentiments of this particular faith. It's very "you".
Namaste my love. I'll see you when I close my eyes.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Muslim zealots are serious. They take their beliefs serious enough to die for them. I've yet to meet an American religious nut serious enough to do it. They might miss something on TV!
Pastor Terry Jones exemplifies the worst of America; small minded, mean, disrespectful and ultimately every bit as dangerous as his Muslim counterparts. To even think about burning a Koran, Bible, just downright wrong. While one may not believe in the teachings, there are others that do and to destroy a symbol of one's faith is not only disrespectful, it's downright evil.
FACT: The Bible and the Koran were both written by men. They have many similar stories. There is yet to be any documented physical historical facts on either Jesus of Nazareth or Mohamed. That's where FAITH comes in. Either you believe or you don't. Sure, there have been, over the years, many attempts at proving one or the other...but they never stand up to rigorous scientific examination. That said, I'm still a Christian. Like I said's about faith.
Throughout the years, there has been a theory that all religions are based on the same principles...but the stories vary according to the locale of origin. Its social science and perception. The basics hold true to all. Be good! Don't hurt people! Don't lie! Don't steal! Don't cheat! Anyone who thinks the Christian Bible isn't mean and evil in parts has never read it. Same with the Koran. Again, both books have been translated and edited throughout history. Short of reading the original texts, we'll never know what they really say...or mean.
If you're a person of faith, do this: Pray that the evil sumbitches at the Dove World Outreach Center DON'T act the fool and burn anything. Pray that the Muslims of the world will understand that Terry Jones does NOT speak for the majority of America, only a very small, twisted group. If you're not a person of faith, cross your fingers and hope for the best.
Be good to each other people. We're one species. And at the rate we're going, our days may be numbered! Mad love to you all!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
When the old place changes...

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Wow! A whole month without blogging! LOL

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Another Bottom Feeder Comes to Town...
Worse than that are the new breed of "promoters". These cats think that their job is to find a venue, book a bunch of bands (who usually can't get gigs anywhere else) and make the bands sell the tickets. It's just 'pay to play' all over again. I won't be part of it.
I received this email this morning and I just about blew my top:
Hey!I’m Dan from Standard_Issues_Productions, a new booking/promotion group based here in Pittsburgh. We have decided to make my small move on the Pittsburgh scene. Shows I have to offer right now are all at The Rex Theater.Dates are July 11th, 18th and 25th. These are Sunday shows. They will all be 21+ shows. These dates will be filled with local talent, and perhaps out of town "local" bands. I am also working with addition venues such as Fate and The Rock Room. Bands are required to sell between 15 and 20 tickets each for any of these events. Number will be deterred by price. All bands will receive 30-40 tickets to begin with. After that additional tickets will be made available to the band at a very reduced rate. All unsold tickets will be turned in day of show. Tickets day of show will be slightly more at box office, only. Please don't scalp tickets in front of the venue the day of show. To help with clarity: an example. You need to sell 20 tickets at $6.00 each. Total of $120. You have an addition 20 tickets to pocket cash. $120 to you. If you need more tickets 10 will cost you $20, and you sell for $60. $40 more to you. Again, this is just an example.We’re expecting to have between 4 and 6 bands performing on each Sunday. Bands will have up to 40 minutes to perform. We will run a tight ship and keep on schedule! Promo... I'll help. Fliers will be generated as soon as a lineup is finalized. I'll paper Southside, and a few Hot Topics. I will also pool resources to get handbills out to some of the more obvious given spots around Pittsburgh. Further I will pass out handbills at any available upcoming show at The Rex, and can also work some of the shows at Altar.If you like the idea and want to perform, let me know ASAP. At this point the July 18th show is looking like it will be Industrial/Techno. The other July dates are open to whatever genre has a stronger response.Things to tell me:-Which date you’d prefer to play. - Expected ticket sales- Expected requirementsI’d prefer to know by the end of the week or early next week if at all possible. Ticket sales are low (15 -20 mandatory) The majority of this money will be used to cover cost, however it may not totally pay all expenses. That is where day of show ticket sales will go.That’s really it, if you have questions let me know. This is all the details I can give at this point. Once the date is confirmed we will work out ticket prices. Figure between $5 and $9 each. You guys know your fan base. Each band will have a small guest list. 4 people. per band. You may also have 2 people "work" your Merch table. I have no desire to profit off your swag, however I am unsure if the venue wants a piece.Thanks for reading-Dan
While I'm not one to wish anyone ill, especially in a business venture, this dude is obviously just too lazy to go out and do the damned job. To run any kind of business successfully requires doing WORK. In his case, he needs to advertise in print, radio, online, etc. He needs to do the leg work. But instead, he figures he'll get the bands to do it. Who knows, he could pull off a couple decent shows...but with bands no one has heard of.
While I could go into great detail on his poor writing skills, I'll stick to my rant. The Rex, while a nice venue, has not exactly been packing them in lately. So, trying to fill it with essentially the friends of a bunch of unknown bands is one way to go...but not necessarily the best route. This guy hopes to make $120 per band while having the bands do all the work....does anyone else see a problem with this? How very Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn!
I could suggest boycotting this cat...but why? He won't last long anyway. He might even make a few bucks before the bands realize they're being scammed. It just sickens me that the music scene has come, once again, to this. And ya wonder why I rarely book shows anymore...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Pleasure Bar Gay Bashing Incident: Fact or Fiction?
As always, feel free to comment. If you'd rather, feel free to email me @
And now, my blog.......
Gay bashing, in the 21st century, should be a thing of the past. I'm old enough to remember when it was a daily threat in the gay community. Time marches on, however, and thanks to education, tolerance and acceptance, these sorts of atrocities are few and far between these days...especially in Pittsburgh, which for its size boasts at least 8 or 9 gay bars.
As many of you may already know, there was an alleged incident of gay bashing in front of the Pleasure Bar in the Bloomfield section of Pittsburgh on the night of Thursday April 29. According to the stories, "Veruca La Pirhana", a popular local drag performer was walking down the street with friends and was accosted and then physically assaulted by three drunk men in front of the Pleasure Bar.
Veruca's side of the story can be read here:
But new information has been coming to light regarding this incident. According to a "very reliable source" who was at the scene, it appears that Veruca may have instigated the altercation. There was mention of Veruca throwing objects at her detractors and essentially, showing off for her friends.
In the story, Veruca mentions not wanting the police to be involved due to her being "frightened" of/and distrustful of the police. The story mentions a previous incident at a diner where Veruca was "attacked" and later treated as more of suspect than a victim in that incident. Veruca has also been arrested previously on drug charges.
In a perfect world, a person's past indiscretions should not pertain to new circumstances. If this is an actual case of gay bashing, which at least in my book is a hate crime, the police should be involved. If gay bashing is indeed what happened, the young men responsible should be held accountable for their actions. To not pursue this is to condone this type of behavior and run the risk of turning back the clock to a more dangerous time for all.
Why then was there no police involvement? Why didn't the manager of the Pleasure Bar insist on it, if for no other reason than to appear to want to maintain a peaceful neighborhood presence, not to mention avoiding the risk of being labeled a "nuisance bar".
The day after the incident, a friend who works in another Bloomfield night spot informed me of the incident and also informed me of a rally to show support for Veruca and the entire gay community, to be held in front of the Pleasure Bar. I, for one, notified as many people as possible in the short span of time I was given. From what I can ascertain, the rally was well attended by a large and well-behaved crowd.
I'm still wondering what if any involvement the police plan to offer in light of this event. At the very least, an assault did occur and it should be investigated. Bloomfield is by and large a very nice and safe city neighborhood. In the 20 years that I've lived here, I've never personally experienced anything out of the ordinary there.
Remember kids, violence is BAD, regardless of who is involved. In this modern world, we are all blessed to encounter people from all walks of life. Some we may find "different" or possibly even "offensive" but those people, at least in the US, have the same rights as anyone else and should be treated with the same respect every individual should enjoy.
I know that by publishing this piece, I run the risk of offending some people and may even run the risk of damaging some friendships but I feel, as always, that truth and honesty are of the utmost importance in this day and age. Too many people consider it "ok" to spin a story to meet their own designs. I'm merely trying to state the facts as I understand them. If you feel that I am incorrect, please feel free to comment and post your own facts regarding this incident. To reiterate, gay bashing is, in my humble opinion, a hate crime and should not be tolerated at all.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
People Make Me Sick
This level of idiocy is part of what is making all of us sicker. These parents who choose to not have their children vaccinated are also choosing to increase the risk of disease for everyone else. By not having your child vaccinated that leaves your child open to contracting any number of illnesses...illnesses which are, in fact, still around, like polio, dyptheria, whooping cough, etc. Most young mothers these days were never exposed to the types of dangers that these diseases pose. They think that because they don't see it in their own back yard that its not a threat.
Well guess again folks. We live in a global society. People travel to and from one country to another and many of them can and often are carrying germs. All it takes is one person to infect an unvaccinated child and bam, we can start the mess all over the added risk of diseases mutating to a form we don't have a vaccine for.
So why are these people reticent to vaccinate their children? Simply put: FEAR. With the advent of the internet, people have access to almost limitless information. Unfortunately, most people don't understand how to process the content they receive. When you Google something (or use any search engine) the top listings that come up will probably not be the most relevant. The top listings will be the most viewed. Example: there's a BBQ joint in Vancouver, BC called Memphis Mike's BBQ. The owner and I have spoken on occasion and laughed how whenever most people try to find his web site, they get mine instead.
Some years back, someone posed the hypothesis that vaccinations were causing autism. After many years of research & studies, it was proven to be not the case. The first signs of autism often don't manifest until about the same age as certain vaccinations are given. But noooooooo. A few celebrities had children with autism. Those celebrities, as most parents would do, went in search of supports for their kids. In so doing, a few of them became vocal advocates for the fear-based conspircay theorist fallacies regarding vaccines and autism. These celebrities were able to garner attention to their "cause".
Even after these theories were proven false, these celebrities and their groups, angry because their children still have autism, still continue to make noise and serve their own self-interests by continuing to spew this propaganda. And due to their celebrity, whenever it shows up on the internet, it remains popular, thus staying at the top of the search engine lists. The Center For Disease Control (CDC) is obviously not as popular as Jenny McCarthy. Their site may not be at the top of the list but they will most likely have the most FACTUAL information. But then again, a worried parent might have to spend an hour or two reading the site and following links rather than watch a 2 minute viral video on YouTube.
While no child enjoys getting a vaccination (I recall the pain of the multiple shots I was given by Dr. Nancy Bright MD 40 or so years ago) I'm sure that any parent would rather see their child suffer a momentary "pinch" or at worst an hour to a day of discomfort rather than a lifetime of disability. But in our self-centered, self-serving, entitled society, most people are no longer capable of seeing the big picture. There are times when the greater good is better served than the good of the individual.
I remember a kid I went to school with who went deaf from the mumps. Had he been vaccinated that never would have happened. I remember some young adults from my childhood who had had polio and were in wheelchairs for life due to its devastating effects. These parents who foolishly refuse to vaccinate their children are opening the doors for the return of these types of diseases. Polio, smallpox, dyptheria, etc. are all, for the most part, wiped out in the US...but the world doesn't begin and end here. And as long as people travel, birds fly and winds blow, we will continue to be effected by what happens elsewhere.
To all young parents and parents-to-be out there...should, God forbid, something befall your child, talk to a professional before you go searching the internet. And if you insist on using search engines to find your information, learn how to use it effectively...and most importantly, research your sources! Having a sick child has got to be scary enough without adding to your fear.
People make me sick. And they can make you sick too.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Time To "Remember When..." is NOW!
I remember when most Americans made a decent living, owned their own home, weren't completely saddled with credit card debt, paid their bills on time, weren't worrying about foreclosure and laughed at the thought of buying a Japanese TV or car. Those days really weren't that long ago!
Here it is 2010 and what do WE as a country have to show for it? Not much from where I'm sitting. "American Made" usually means overpriced and poorly made (in the eyes of the global economy which we are now a part of, whether you like it or not). Look at everything you much of it was made overseas? Look at your car, your TV, your cell phone...hell, look at your clothes...where were they made?
Sure, you saved some bucks...but at what cost?
How many people do you know who's job has been "outsourced"? If you know one, that's too many. Sure, people in other countries need jobs too...but do they really need OUR jobs? The reality is this: American corporations have raped and pillaged our country. Sure, lets save production costs, get around the unions and charge at an 80% profit margin. While we're doing that, let's keep the American poor REALLY poor, abolish the middle class and piss all over the American dream.
I recall vividly a conversation I had with two friends when we were in fourth grade. We were discussing what we wanted to be when we grew up. This was 1976, our nation's bicentennial. I wanted to go into show biz, my one friend wanted to be a doctor and the third friend, and I'll never forget this until I die...said he wanted to "go where the big money is and get a job in the steel mill". At that point in time, he was correct in his thinking. At that time, a job in the mill would make you a very nice living. You'd be able to afford a house, a new car every couple of years, and have the money to raise a family and put your kids through college. It was only a matter of years after that that the unions destroyed the steel industry. Don't kid yourselves, that's what happened. The unions pushed too hard and destroyed the corporations...and the corporations have finally had the last laugh.
Steel work was a hard and often dangerous job. The unions were right in making sure the workers were taken care of...but it got out of hand. Things like triple overtime for working on Arbor Day...what a joke. The unions proved that they were just as bad as the corporations. So what do the unions AND the corporations have in common? Simply put: GREED.
Call it whatever label is comfortable for you. Call it "special interests". Hire someone to lobby for you. It all boils down to greed. That's the problem with our form of capitalism. It makes us WANT to cut off our collective nose to spite our collective face. Few of us ever look at the long term effects of this form of greed...we just want to fatten our own wallets and too bad for the other guy. Well, the time has come for all of us to pay.
Our country is in a mess. We the people elected a president who promises us change. It's coming...slow but sure...with a fight at every turn. And who's behind most of those fights? If you're thinking "Tea Parties" and fringe groups, you're wrong. Its corporate greed. Change will necessitate a dismantling of old policies in favor of new; a new status quo. It will most likely also turn billionaires into mere millionaires. And gosh, who could stand that????
The corporations are the ones behind your Tea Parties. They failed at attacking our changes for a better future for all so they've hidden behind the mask of Joe the Plumber. If they brainwash the masses with bumper sticker slogans their lies become accepted truth.
I remember when a trip to the doctor was normal. We all went for regular check ups. We ate healthy, got exercise and the biggest fear was cancer. Fast food was a treat not a diet. Now you hear about more types of cancer than ever before, we have AIDS, and even mold can kill us. We, as a country, have become sloths. We have hundreds of TV channels for our Japanes/Chinese/Taiwanese TV sets and little reason to get off of the couch. We can lay there waiting for our unemployment checks and watch lying idiots like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, etc... spout more slogans that they are PAID to spout. And who pays them? I'll give you a hint: it starts with a "C" and sounds like shmorporations.
I'm lucky. I have a job that I love. It doesn't pay crap but I love it. I finally have healthcare again. And I'm also lucky enough to have a heart condition that will hopefully kill me before this country completely flushes itself down the toilet.
Do you remember when things were better? I do. We can make it better again...together. Like the old saying goes, united we stand, divided we fall.......
Saturday, April 17, 2010
7 More To Go
I think that all recording artists have a different style of recording. My good friend and mentor, Alan Leatherwood, has a unique style of piecing his albums together. I learned a lot about recording from him! I also learned that its best to do things however one is comfortable doing them at the time.
I usually like to work really fast. Sam Phillips once explained to me that recording is all about capturing the 'right' moment. So what if there's a minor flaw in it provided you capture the energy of the moment.
This latest CD (working title "7 More To Go") of mine has by no means been a quick production! It started 3 years ago. At the time, my aussie drummer, Brian Francis, and his ladyfriend were up for a visit. He'd long mentioned that he'd never been afforded the chance to record. I set out to change that and pop his studio cherry. I booked a session at my studio of choice (Daveworld Studios out in Ambridge, PA) and we went out and laid down 16 tracks in 3 hours. Most, I thought at the time, would just be demos for myself for future reference. We didn't rehearse a single note prior to hitting the studio.
As luck would have it, we really nailed most of the songs! The more I listened to them the more I knew this could turn into a fun record! But then the dark cloud hit. My finances hit a snag, my car was stolen, I had a heart attack and was looking at a bogus assault charge! Needless to say, that slowed down the recording process!
I am, however, if nothing else, resilient. In 2008, we decided to release our "LIVE in Australia" CD and added 2 of the tracks I recorded with Brian as bonus tracks ("Rockin' In Melbourne" & "The Last Time"). Both have been received well. 2008 also found me producing AJ & The Two-Timers' debut CD. I was really starting to get the itch to record again. I had tons of ideas...but no money to finance a new project. Finally, 2010 came along and life has started to settle down again. The cash flow, at least for the foreseeable future, is steady. My health seems pretty good and I knew it was time. I called up Dave Granati at Daveworld and booked a part to get it done and also to see if I could still do it! I'd pretty much given up gigging and hadn't really done much more than play guitar around the house. Dave was excited to work with me again and was really excited to get to finish these 3 year old tracks! He'd always enjoyed them. I took out a copy of the rough tracks and started making notes. There was indeed some good stuff there!
Like I said, I like to work fast. I tend to exhaust everyone who works with me so I decided to just go in and do as much by myself as possible. The session had some time constraints...due mostly to my not being able to start until late afternoon due to working the night shift. But in 4 and half hours, I knocked out 16 electric guitar parts, 10 upright bass parts, 2 electric bass parts, 12 acoustic guitar parts and one "dobro" * part! By 9:00pm, David was looking exhausted. The session was over and I was still ready for more! It appears the genie has left the bottle again!
Next up for this project are the vocal tracks....and as it's spring time and as I, like many of you, am an allergy sufferer, this might take a bit of time. In the meantime, I plan to bring my regular rhythm section (Rob Jacob & JD Dauer) in to record 2 new tracks PLUS I plan to bring my original rhythm section (Shawn Moyer & Bruce Martin) in to record an old song of mine that no one can play as well as they can!
Check back soon for more updates! It appears that rock & roll just may be becoming fun for me again!!!!!!!!
* "dobro" is technically a brand name for a type of resonator guitar made by the Dopyera Bros. Over the years, its become synonimous with acoustic, lap style playing. The cone in a "dobro" is usually what's called a spider cone, which gives a more honking tone than the standard resonators, which have a more reverby sound.
Friday, April 9, 2010
More thoughts on the local music "biz"
That said, allow me to clarify. There are some bands/musicians who are "hobbyists". They're cool with going out and lugging a few hundred pounds of gear around and making noise for gives them something to do, I guess. I'm not one of them. I can play my guitar anywhere for free and not have to lug spare guitars, amps, a PA system, etc. around to do it.
Times have changed and not necessarily for the better. It used to be that if a venue booked bands, they understood that the risk was theirs. The band showed up, did their job and hopefully the audience was there, enjoyed their show and all were happy. Bands were an enticement for patrons to come out. The trick was, if your band was unknown or didn't draw, you didn't work. (note: I say "work" because it IS work)
Nowadays, the venues that still have bands now put the risk onto the performers. Hell, some venues expect the performer to supply the door man as well! Sure, the venue is looking out for the performer's interest by doing so...because they obviously can't hire someone trustworthy to handle money. (yes...that's sarcasm) While many of these venues now supply a PA system (some better than others), I know that some of these venues expect the performers to pay the sound tech! Now wait just a minute...that's crap. Patron #1 hasn't even walked through the door yet and the performer is already $75 or so in the hole. Does this sound right to you?
So, these venues have jumped on the old showcase band wagon. Rather than find 1 or 2 GOOD bands, they'll book 3-4 (sometimes 5 or 6!) acts for one night. These acts usually don't have enough material to play an entire night but due to the recent societal trend of everyone feeling "entitled", these acts feel they deserve to play.
No, these acts deserve to turn the hell around, go home and learn another 20-30 songs. If you can't do the whole night, stay home.
I'm not saying that these bands aren't good. Some are and some have the potential to be great bands...they simply can't do the whole night. Now why is that a problem? Sometime acts cancel or just don't show for whatever reason. I remember a night when a friend's band found themselves in this exact situation. These guys, who are a good band, only had a set's worth of material. The other 2 bands on the bill didn't show and these guys had to play their only 10 songs over and over and over. Needless to say, the crowd left.
The venues are in business to make money by selling a product (booze). They may have a sideline in providing entertainment...but that's just to sell more product. It used to be that a good club would build a reputation for providing good, quality entertainment and you usually knew that if an act was performing at a certain venue, regardless of whether or not you'd heard of them, they were going to be good. Nowadays, its a crap shoot.
I rarely perform anymore. My band can play the whole night; no problem. We're better than average if for no reason other than we've been doing it forever. But I refuse to play for free, or worse, pay to play. Many venues locally have tried that particular ruse for never lasts long. I've been blessed with a healthy music career. I've played in numerous countries for crowds up to 60,000. I've made a lot of money doing it (and blown most of it! LOL). Now, due to aging, health & legal problems, I'm stuck performing locally (or not). I don't want to play the game anymore. Its just not fun. Sure, I'll do a show once in a while if it sounds like fun...getting to share the bill with some old friends or an act I admire...but for the most part, its a drag anymore.
I'm not putting the venues down for protecting their interests. They're in business to make money. That said, a performer who has spent years honing their craft and spent a good deal of money on gear also has interests to protect. They should be afforded the ability to make some kind of return on their investment provided they have the talent to do so.
Alas, ours has become a society of instant gratification. Why learn to play guitar, bass or drums when you can just play Guitar Hero? Why do the work of putting together a band and establishing yourselves when you can try out for American Idol? Why go see a band when you can go on YouTube and see a plethora of bands from the comfort of your home? The problem is, one day...sooner than you may think...the bands will stop playing. When they do, all we'll be left with is old recordings and videos and worse, whatever dreck the corporate music world decides to throw at us.
Yes, I miss the old days. I miss the days of knowing which venues had the best jukebox selection. I miss knowing that if a band was playing at "this or that venue" that they must be pretty good. Sure, its easier, for now, to find entertainment...but how good is most of it and at what cost? Easier is not always better.
If you enjoy music, go out & support it! Pay the measly cover charge instead of balking at it. If you can't afford to spend those few extra bucks, stay home. If you enjoy a band, ask if they have a CD and buy it! Don't beg for a free copy. It costs REAL MONEY to produce even a low budget CD. (FYI: studio time is usually $50+ per hour. Factor at least 2 hours per song for recording & mixing multiplied by the number of tracks per CD. That's for a low budget CD. Higher quality will require more time. Google CD packaging prices...then you'll get some idea of how much that CD you're trying to get for free is worth.)
To my fellow musicians: Keep on playing! I plan to return to the stage at some point...but I don't plan to do it for free. Support each other! If you have a night off and a friend's band is playing, go see them! Let's recreate some semblance of a local music scene again! If you know some kid who is interested in music, help them out! Show them a few chords, teach them a riff, show them that playing for real is infinitely more exciting than the video game version!
Hope to see y'all soon!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
New Bike, Same Old Me

Why you ask? A) I seriously need to get back into a shape other than "round" B) Pittsburgh has some absolutely AWESOME bike trails! C) It sounded like a good idea at the time! LOL
I just got back from my 1st over 25 years! KEEEEEEEEEEE-RIST!!!!!!!!! If you ever want to feel foolish, try hopping on a mountain bike when you haven't ridden a bike in decades. Add to this having to start on a hill and you start to get the picture!
I wobbled like mad at first...then realized my legs were about to rip apart! Who the hell needs 18 gears on a bike?????? 10 speeds were confusing enough for me! LOL Anyhoo, I "zipped" up the street and around the church a few times. I can't tell you the last time I was this out of breath! It's maybe 50 degrees out and I'm sweating like a pig in a sauna! BUT IT FEELS GOOD!!!!!!
I really need to figure out these gears...the bike almost seems to have a mind of its own just yet! But...I plan to do this regularly. In a week or two, expect to see me sweating and wheezing on some of the bike trails. Long term goal: the bike trail that leads from Pittsburgh to DC! (mind you, that might take a few years to build up to! LOL)
I really had noooooooo idea just how out of shape I was. This was an eye-opener! Time to get serious about this!
More updates to come...provided I don't collapse first!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Everybody Wanna Know Why I Sing The Blues!
OK, I'm writing this for 2 reasons: 1) I find it extremely cathartic 2) People often come to me with their problems. Everyone thinks that they're the only ones to have a rough time...and I feel for them. That said, I too have known some extremely rough times. Its called "life". You can live it and enjoy it or you can wallow in your own self-perpetuating misery.
Here is a list of some of the "highlights" of my own dysfunctional life:
*1st suicide attempt @ age 4
*sickly childhood
*numerous episodes of family violence
*haven't been painfree since age 8 (rheumatoid arthritis)
*parents split at age 12
*found mom dead at age 13
*started smoking at 13
*started drugs at 14
*started drinking regularly at 15
*arrested at 15 for carrying a concealed weapon
*expelled from school
*3 years of court ordered psych treatment 15-18
*many bad relationships starting at age 19
*in/out of college from 1984-87
*dated a number of rape/incest/molestation survivors
*gf tried to kill me at age 20
*had to sign papers to commit gf to psych hosptial at age 25
*married at 27, divorced at 28
*numerous street fights age 15-28
*gf who I was trying to split from raped by a neighbor, I felt I couldn't leave her at that time, so I gave up the next 3 years of my life to look after her
*long periods of depression and self-loathing from age 5-40
*numerous suicide attempts age 4-39
*spinal problems started in late 20s
*cancer at age 34
* ex wife killed during 9/11 attack on NYC
*coma at age 36
*psych hospitalization at age 38
*self-detoxed from drugs age 38
*have watched too many friends and lovers die (more than 30 to date)
*heart attack at age 41
*arrested for assault age 41
*Began to change my life for the better
*quit drinking age 43
I am now 44 years old and loving life!!!!!!! Yes, I'm sure that your problems seem insurmountable at times...but they're not. Do not rationalize them nor make excuses. If you know you have a problem, or even think you have a problem, seek help! Talk to a friend, a therapist, a councelor, a member of the clergy, scream at the walls, go for a walk, run like hell, do whatever you need to...just do something!
Self-medicating is NOT the answer! If someone tells you it is, run like hell from that person...they're NOT helping you. They're only helping you to an earlier grave.
I'm lucky. I have a large number of people who, for whatever reasons, love and care about me. I'm also extremely lucky to have a career that I'm passionate about and have hobbies that I'm also passionate about. Without all of the above, I can guarantee you, I wouldn't be the happy man that I am, nor would I be likely to still be alive.
I will help you...regardless of who you are. My faith dictates that that is something I must do. That said, I believe that its better to keep you from falling than to help you up. If you dive headfirst into a shallow pond, KNOWING that its a shallow pond, you won't get much sympathy from me. I'll help you tend to your wounds but I will also remind you that you knew better in the 1st place. Call it tough love, Mikey-style.
I hope that reading this has given you the ability to look at yourself and realize that you CAN be matter what...IF you really want to be.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Point of View of a Proud American
I've listened patiently while people in these other countries take their hatred of the USA out on me. I then respond either with carefully thought out words or perhaps a single finger gesture (hey, I have bad days too!). America is us. It seems all countries have their nationalistic tendencies and none are waving banners that read "WE'RE #2!"
Why do they hate us? Basicially, its not a jealousy issue. Its basically because we're a nation of crybabies...and no one likes a crybaby. Look at the latest mess: we somehow managed to pass some watered down version of health care reform. Sure, its a start...but why do I get the feeling that the insurance companies were behind it all? I hear that insurance company stocks rose sharply yesterday (3/22/10). Hmmmmmm.
Rather than celebrate a victory or admit a defeat, we are all still crying about it. Some of us are thinking "we didn't get our way" and others are thinking "we didn't get enough of our way" while more still are just parroting slogans they've heard on TV or read somewhere. In short, we're all still whining...and really, who likes that?
Sure, the whole mess will get dragged to the Supreme which point, it will no longer matter. Our country's reputation as a mass of greedy, arrogant assholes will be further cemented in the eyes of the world. But who cares what they think, right? We saved their asses in WW2 didn't we? We bailed them out didn't we? Obviously, we've forgotten that like it or not, we're all on this planet together. What we do effects others and vice versa.
The world used to look up to the US. Now the world looks down on the US. And yet I am proud to be an American. I love my country.
Don't celebrate this as a victory just yet folks. We're still on the fast track to becoming a 3rd World Nation. We have little to bring to the table anymore. We don't manufacture anything...aside from bad media and hate. We hate ourselves so much and place such a high value on greed and possessions that we've lost sight of what's right & wrong. We have lost the respect of the world and we have lost our own self-respect. We deride each other over differences of beliefs. Sure, that's our right...but is it right? United we stand, divided we fall.
We now worry that we may have to pay more in taxes to fund this health care refrom. I, personally, would rather pay a small amount out of pocket over time than to get hit with a $100k hospital bill (which I have before). We like to think that we're a healthy country...but we're not. We're obese. We drink too much. We eat crappy processed food...and lots of it. We think that because we've grown fat as a nation, that we're doing well. We're not. Yet I'm proud to be an American. I love my big fat country.
America: the land of the free. Free to hate each other. Free to kill ourselves with fat-laden, carcinogenic fast food. Free to drink ourselves into oblivion. Free to fix the problems we face and Free to ignore the problems. Free to spew lies posed as truths.
I have a few questions and maybe YOU dear reader can answer them:
- When did we learn to hate each other so much that we value only our own individual beliefs?
- When did we stop caring about each other?
- When did the almighty buck become our raison d'etre?
- When did we stop being America?
I am proud to be an American. I love my country. I always have and I always will. I just wish it was a better place for all of us.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
STILL Sober! (2 months, 9 days and counting...) :-)
Do I think I'm an alcoholic? In short, no. That said, problems were starting to arise. I attribute some of them to just getting older but some may be rooted a bit deeper. My cousin nearly drank himself to death not long after my heart attack. That scared me.
Basically, I just no longer saw the use of drinking. I no longer enjoy the company of drunks. (snobby SOB ain't I? lol) Hear me out, I can't nor will I ever condemn anyone for having a drink...Lord knows I drank enough! LOL But after 30 years in the music biz, 30 years of playing in bars, nightclubs, afterhours joints, etc...I grew tired of it. I've never 'craved' alcohol. I've never felt dependent upon it. Sure, I had my pre-show ritual (2 beers) for years...but I've done quite a few shows stone cold sober too. In fact, my playing is BETTER when I'm long as the band is tight and the crowd is loose!
What does bother me is how everyone seems to equate me with beer/booze. I'm guessing that means that they are fondly equating me with 'good times'. Well folks, the best I can tell you is I'm still fun. I'm still me. I just no longer drink alcohol. Don't be afraid to drink around me...just please don't offer me a drink. If you ask me "why" I quit, I'll tell you...but it probably won't be the most fun bar room conversation you'll ever have! LOL
I quit for my own reasons and I'm happily sober. I don't have to worry about hangovers, DUIs, or wondering where all that money went! I've not joined AA...just not for me. I think AA/NA are wonderful for those who can benefit from them. Like I said, I'm not an alcoholic, I'm just a former drunk. And I plan to keep it that way!
Lastly, I'd like to thank someone for giving me the courage to quit. As she's a modest kinda gal, I'll just call her Miss Rule62. She knows who she is. I only wish that she could see herself through my eyes just once. I think she's an incredibly talented, intelligent, strong, kind, caring soul. She's even funny...but she told me once not to tell her that as she might believe it! LOL So, to Miss Rule62...Thank You! :-)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
DON'T BE STUPID!: An Open Letter To The Younger Generations
So, to all the 20-somethings out there who think they know it all, know what they're doing and have it all planned and figured out...GOOD FOR YOU! I hope that your vast knowledge lasts your entire life and that all the big plans you have come to fruition. Those of us who are older know better. We know that life throws curve balls and that you have to work hard for all the truly good things in life. There are no real short cuts. Learn to be happy with who you are and the things you have in life. Learn to plan ahead. Most importantly, keep on LEARNING.
My mind has been on your generation all week. A good friend, who is in her 20s, is planning to have her face chopped up by a plastic surgeon. She claims to be happy and well adjusted. Just so you know, she's a very attractive young lady. She has a very pretty face, nice body, good smile, no scars, blemishes, etc...but for some reason she feels that she "needs" to have her face altered. As her surgeon of choice put it, she doesn't need much "work". In short, she doesn't need any least not on the outside. Her surgeon, I feel, should have his license revoked for even considering doing any work on her. Sure, I hear's HER decision...but what happens if something goes wrong? An infection, a surgical accident, etc...or more likely, what happens as she gets older and realizes it was all a mistake. Will she be comforted by the knowledge that it was her choice?
No, I think she needs to spend more time working on who she is inside. I've known her for years and the main reason that we're friends is that she has always been surprisingly mature and wise for her years. This decision of hers to have her face chopped up just truly disturbs me. Is this generation of hers so insecure that they feel that they have to meet some unattainable standard set forth by the media? Is this the 21st century version of 'keeping up with the Joneses'?
Obviously, she's making enough money to be able to afford to pay a private surgeon. She claims to love her job. So why this "need" of hers to alter her looks and risk the potential harm of (any) surgery? She claims that my questioning her motives has upset which I will not apologize. Sometimes a friend has to say things you don't want to hear...but thats one of the things that a real friend is for. Will a new face really make her happy? Those of us of a certain age know better. Sure...if she was disfigured and plastic surgery could give her a more normal life...but that isn't the case. As I stated before, she's very attractive. I know many women who would kill for her looks. Her reasoning is because she "needs" to do this and it will make her happier...I'm sorry, I just think that's fucked up.
My friend is living the good life. Good job with good pay, a nice apartment in a vibrant, exciting city. She is asked on many dates but doesn't have one special guy...but at her age, she should just enjoy it. I think she's too young to seriously consider marriage. Time she has. I pray that her future time isn't spent regretting an impulsive mistake. If she was my daughter, I'd have the same worries. She's a good gal...but this "choice" to chop her face up just boggles my mind.
But she's a grown her mid 20s, well educated...more than capable of making her own decisions. The only thing she's lacking is, unfortunately, the most important: experience. In many of the things she does, it seems like she's trying to rush rush rush. I fear that our highly-evolved, technologically advanced society has created a generation of people who are overly impulsive...incapable of waiting & thinking things through. It's become a disposable, fast-food world. The only problem is that people aren't disposable. My biggest worry for her is...what if this doesn't bring her the happiness she thinks it will? What then? Another surgery? At what point does a person realize that only they themselves are capable of creating their own happiness? I pray for her. I pray that she snaps out of this before the doctor's first cut.
So, to you younger folks out there...let this be a lesson. Everything that you do, no matter how small it may seem to you, does indeed effect other people. There are people out there who care about you and only want true happiness for you. That happiness does not come in the form of a bottle, a pill, a nose-job, chin-lift, tummy tuck, tattoo, piercing, etc. In short...don't be stupid. Your elders, of which I am one, love and care about you.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
"They're my SUPER POWERS Boss!"
David was just a few years older than me and our birthdays were just weeks apart, so that gave us some similar points of reference. He had an infectious laugh and his own unique sense of humor and style. For a large man, he loved to dance! He would literally spin himself in time with the music and few people have ever enjoyed music quite the way he did.
David's appetites in life were voracious. He loved food, he loved his friends and most of all, he loved his Super Powers. His "super powers" were large markers that he would occasionally talk to. While this may sound odd to most people, I understood it. These "super powers" helped David cope with the world, they boosted his self-confidence, and they were his solace when he was frightened. Most of us have a crutch of some sort...maybe its cigarettes, or drinking, or maybe its a certain someone in our life. David was lucky; his crutch was replaceable. Whether an over sized Sharpie or a bingo dauber, he had his "super powers"...and they worked magic!
David had a lifelong struggle with weight. Simply put, the man loved food! At one point, he was working really hard to get his weight under control. He often admired my black leather biker jacket, and I promised him that should he get his weight under 200 pounds, I would give it to him. He succeeded and I gave him the jacket. He rarely wore it as he felt it was too stiff and heavy but a deals a deal. So far as I know, he had that jacket until his last days.
David lived only a few blocks from me and I often saw him in the neighborhood. He enjoyed walking to the corner convenience store (usually to get soda or snacks) and many in the area knew him by name. While not a terribly loquacious man, David would always give a wave or when he saw me a "Hi Boss!". He almost always had his "super powers" with him. Once I ran into him while he was out walking and I asked if he had them with him. He gave me the most incredulous look and explained, as if I was simple, that his "super powers" kept him safe. I guess we can add talisman and good luck charm to their magic powers!
David will most definitely be missed. He will be missed by his friends, family, co-workers and his residential and vocational staff, past and present. He could always bring a smile to my face and I'm sure that I'm not alone in this.
In times like these, I wish I had my own set of Super Powers boss! Rest In Peace my friend.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
How the US can save over $62 million per year!
The average member of the US House of Representatives & Senate "earns" an annual salary of $174,00. The Majority and Minority leaders "earn" $193,00. The Speaker of the House "earns" $223,500. Add up these numbers.
Then there are pensions:
Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at age 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. They are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a member’s retirement annuity may not exceed 80 percent of his or her final salary. As of October 1, 2000, the average annual pension for members of Congress who have retired is between $52,464, and $46,932.
I haven't been able to ascertain the exact number of pensions are being drawn or the exact figures...but suffice to say, it's a large amount of OUR money.
In MY opinion, these folks are using US to live a lifestyle that most of US will never be able to afford. And WE are paying for it!
Do YOU think that these career politicians are worth this much? Do YOU think it's time for some serious political reform? Term limits? Salary reforms? If so, take a few minutes and contact YOUR representatives! Tell them that YOU DEMAND CHANGE!!!!!!
Or, you can sit back and watch OUR money go to waste. Once again, I'm just putting this info out there for you, my friends, to ponder....
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Metzgerisms to Live By: A Positive Approach to Life in the 21st Century
- One is only insignificent if one refuses to live the life they have been given.
- Change is as constant as time.
- One must be willing to make change.
- One must be willing to be effected by change.
- If life isn't going the way you want it to, change it.
- Hate your job? Go find a new one.
- If your environment disagrees with you, move.
- Let no one rule you but yourself and your own judgement.
- Don't accept second place.
- If you fail, assess the failure and fix what needs fixed.
- It's better to try and fail than to not even bother.
- The smallest stone can cause a ripple.
- A microscopic germ can wipe out a nation.
- Drops of water can erode a mountain.
- Smiles, like yawns, are contagious.
- Known when enough is enough.
- Stand up for something.
- Treat your enemies well. You created them.
- Do right because it IS right.
- There is humor to all things. Find it.
More to come.....
Sunday, January 31, 2010
It's been 1 month!!!!!!
I've noticed a few things with my new-found sobriety:
I have a helluva lot more energy! And money too! I'd usually drop $40 everytime I went that money is going for new toys now!
Alcohol smells. I never really noticed how bad it smelled until recently. While it doesn't bother me to be around people who are drinking, the smell bothers me a bit.
Drunks are small doses. After about 10 minutes, they just become irritating.
I no longer worry when I see a cop behind me! In fact, I hope I get pulled over some night just so I can say "Sorry officer but I don't drink. I'll be more than happy to take a breathalizer test!"
I'd also like to add that one of my dearest friends has also recently quit drinking and using drugs. I know this has to be a really hard time for her but she's also one of the strongest people I know. We're supporting each other with love and friendship. She's also joined AA/NA and I know that she's going to do just fine! I'm VERY proud of her! She's taken control of her life and is even planning to go back to school! It was funny, the 2 of us went to our usual bar the other day and the bartender almost fell over when he heard that BOTH of us quit drinking. It was nice to just hang out for a little bit in a familiar environment and NOT be working on getting drunk. I think it might be safe to say that we enjoy each other's company even more now!
Lastly, I'd like to thank a few people for inspiring this move. These people showed me, in one way or another, that I really WANT to be sober! So to the following, a great big THANK YOU!
Jenny A.
Genevieve S.
Marina D.
Doing my 1st sober show on 2/6 @ Howlers....I'll let y'all know how it goes.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Don't get me wrong, I'm not belittling the recent tragedies in Haiti. Far from it! But let's put things into perspective shall we? The networks saw a chance to boost their ratings. The performers saw a chance to boost their popularity. And the folks in Haiti are most likely going to be waiting a good while before they see any of that donated money. If you want to help, donate to the Red Cross. They've always been above reproach in my book. (unlike many fly-by-night "charitable" organizations)
Yes, what happened in Haiti was horrible. Almost as horrible as what happens HERE on a daily basis. But Haiti gets the press. "Trouble In Paradise" stories always do. But what about OUR fellow Americans in need?
The ultra-freaky right will tell you it's their own fault. They shouldn't be homeless! They should've gotten a better job! They shouldn't have had kids. They should've planned ahead better. They shouldn't be mentally ill. The gooey-eyed left will tell you that we're 'developing programs' to help them. (from experience on both sides of the desk, I'll tell you that alot of these programs are bloated, top-heavy wastes of funding) But what happens when things go wrong here at home?
Most Americans don't find out until its too late. It's not "good press". Sure, some smart media big wig could develop a TV special to help our fellow Americans in need...but unless its a hurricane in New Orleans or 'trouble in paradise' elsewhere in the US, you're not going to hear about it. Or worse, you'll cast a deaf ear and a blind eye to it.
I've spent the majority of my adult life working to help people in need. There are times when ALL of us need help. Some need more help than others. But the money doesn't come pouring in like it does when there's good press coverage! Maybe the homeless/hungry/elderly/sick/mentally ill all need to carry puppies with them. Now THAT would warrant press coverage! The cameras would zoom in on the puppies and everyone would empty their wallets! "Oh no! Look at that poor (American) puppy! I have to donate money NOW!"
Please, donate some money to the people in Haiti. Preferably via the Red Cross. But when you do, add an extra $10 and ask that they use it to help people here at home. If you can, add an extra $10 and ask them to use it anywhere else in the world where someone is in need. The Red Cross will! And you'll know that the money is going where it's needed. Here's another idea: volunteer in your community! If you have an hour a week (and yes, you do!) consider spending that hour helping someone less fortunate than yourself. If you're reading this, you have access to the should have no trouble finding programs to help...but I bet 99% of you won't have the guts to!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
In/Out of My Head
I decided to quit smoking & drinking & to try to go semi-vegetarian. Not drinking has been a breeze. I don't eat much meat anyway so going semi-vegetarian has also been a breeze. But the quitting smoking has not been going well. I was born addicted to nicotine (aaaaah that lovely month-long stay in the incubator...just like a chicken) and if I'd known when I puffed that 1st ciggie all those years ago just how much of a slave I'd become, I never woulda done it! But we live and learn and I'm too damned stubborn to quit quitting.
Pets: ya gotta love them...even when they "F" you up! Case in point, my cat Day-Z likes to hang out on the edge of the tub when I take a bath. She will usually splash me with her tail and she acts like she has no fear of the water...until she comes into contact with it! Yesterday, I just barely saved "my junk" from a fierce shredding! Day-Z was stretching out on the edge of the tub while I was bathing when she lost her balance and went headlong into the tub! Needless to say, cats don't like water and removing herself from it was Priority #1. She flailed and scratched the hell outta me! My hand and foot were bleeding pretty good and the water had these unsightly streams of blood in it. Had to start over...but I was too busy laughing at the cat. If it hadn't been for my cat-like reaction time, she mighta shredded me in 'bad places'. No harm, no foul.
Aging and music: I like to think that I have pretty varied tastes in music but my girlfriend will probably argue that one with me. I'm 43, she's 28. We rarely, it seems, enjoy the same music. As she points out I like "good music" and usually get a good laugh at what she listens to. I think I'm slowly turning into my dad! I remember him saying that the punk rock I listened to back in the day "all sounded alike". I catch myself saying the same about the "metal" she listens to. I don't even consider most of it metal...its always said if you can't say anything nice, best to shut keep your trap shut and smile. So I'm smiling. That said, I have introduced her to some music she DOES enjoy. Old Queen, Tom Waits, The Blasters, etc... There's hope for her yet!
Big News: After a 2+ year blacklisting from my chosen profession (the MH/MR field) it looks like I'm back!!!! I'm supposed to start my new position on Tuesday morning. I was originally going to take my medication practicum today and start tomorrow but my program director called and asked if I could come in Tuesday instead (no sense in paying me holiday pay for my 1st day! HAHAHA). She asked if I could come in at 9:00am, take the test and then asked how late I could work...I told her all day if needed. Needless to say, she liked that answer! They can work me 75 hours a week if they want! I miss that life and now I'm back!!!!!!!!! Bring on the crazies! Bring on the med charts! ISPs! Behavior Programs! Paperwork! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO READY!!!!!!!! At this point, everything else be damned, I AM BACK!!!!!!
At the risk of sounding self-important and preachy, if you want something bad enough and are willing to work hard for it, you CAN achieve it! Life will throw you curves. You just have to have enough backbone to stand up and do what you need to when that happens. No one is going to hand you anything in life nor should you want them to. I can only speak for myself here but I enjoy things more knowing that I've worked hard to get them. I'll also be damned if anyone will ever take what I've worked hard for!
So its 2010 and life is looking up! I hope it is for YOU out there too! BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!
A GINORMOUS Thank You to my family & friends (old & new) who have stood by me. You have all eased my burden in ways you can't imagine. Again, Thank You!