- One is only insignificent if one refuses to live the life they have been given.
- Change is as constant as time.
- One must be willing to make change.
- One must be willing to be effected by change.
- If life isn't going the way you want it to, change it.
- Hate your job? Go find a new one.
- If your environment disagrees with you, move.
- Let no one rule you but yourself and your own judgement.
- Don't accept second place.
- If you fail, assess the failure and fix what needs fixed.
- It's better to try and fail than to not even bother.
- The smallest stone can cause a ripple.
- A microscopic germ can wipe out a nation.
- Drops of water can erode a mountain.
- Smiles, like yawns, are contagious.
- Known when enough is enough.
- Stand up for something.
- Treat your enemies well. You created them.
- Do right because it IS right.
- There is humor to all things. Find it.
More to come.....
If your environment disagrees with you, move.
i also really like the one about enemies. fo sho!
oo from j :) :)