Sunday, March 4, 2012

New CD???

First off, to everyone who has checked out the new video, THANK YOU!!!!!
From the feedback we've been getting from you, it appears ya like it!

You may have guessed, the band is heading in a slightly different direction. I've always loved raw, primitive blues stuff and have been incorporating more and more of into my writing the past couple of years. The biggest problem was figuring out how to arrange these songs for the band. Well...I decided NOT TO! I decided to make the band fit the music...and did so on this single. I'm not sure how we'd ever play "Bye Bye" live...I'd need at least 3 guitarists to even attempt to cover the sonic ground in that song.

A number of you have asked just WHEN the new CD is coming out. Well, here's the kicker: at this time, I have no plans to release a CD of this material. Yeah, I've toyed with the idea for almost two years now...but with the music sales market where it is, it would seem to be a waste of money to do so. At this point in time, we're concentrating more on single releases for the download market. Basically, if you're able to read this can download a song. It appears that it will also be more cost effective all the way round to do so.

I don't tour anymore. There are times I'd like to go back to touring...and other times that I'm glad I don't. It had come to the point where physical product wasn't selling on the road...everyone ordered CDs online. And then everyone started asking if we had songs on iTunes, etc.

The last 2 years I've watched these markets closely. I have a number of friends who work in executive levels at major and indie labels, and they've all shared the same information with me: CDs just ain't selling. Case in point, a close friend (who shall remain nameless) and is always a large concert draw (for his particular demographic) has had major label releases over the past few years. His last sold less than 700 physical copies over two quarters. It was, by the way, one of the best albums of his career. That said, the digital download sales have been impressive enough to warrant a renewal of his contract.

So, for the time being, we're going to stick with the digital download market. IF, and that's only IF there's a call for physical CDs (translating to minimum 2000 units), we'll release a physical CD. But...always a but...being a music fan/geek myself...I know too well the joy of owning that new release, holding it in your hands, checking out the artwork and liner notes, etc...while listening to the album. Therefore, I think it's safe to say that at some point I will release a limited pressing of 12" vinyl releases (once we have enough quality songs recorded for said release).

I wish you all could hear the way this stuff sounds in the studio. Nothing like thousands of dollars worth of high tech audio gear to allow you to hear all the warmth and every nuance of the song. For this particular type of music, I think a nice slab of high quality vinyl would sound far superior to a CD. That's just my opinion.

OK, back to business. The new single "Bye Bye" will be officially released for the digital download market on March 10, 2012. It should be available at all of the usual sites: iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, etc. If you like it, please buy it. Until then, you can always hear it for FREE by watching the video. (click photo to watch the video...if you're so inclinced to)

Thanks again for all of your kind words and your support of my music.

-Memphis Mike

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