Saturday, March 24, 2012

Man's Best Friend

R.I.P. Frank

My friends Karla & Duo had to say good-bye to their dog Frank today. I can tell you that as dogs go, Frank was a king. A gentle giant. Frank was a massive mastiff with a heart as big as his bowling ball head. His time had come and he was ready.

Karla, Duo & Lovie, I'm sure, are feeling the loss of his four-legged love. Remember friends, part of love is eventually saying good-bye. You will meet again.

Man's best friend
waits patiently
never uttering a word.
Man's best friend
knows true love
is never absurd.
This friend understands
and shares in your pain
this friend knows
fun will come again.
A pat, and a rub
and a bowl full of food
is the only reward needed
for being good.
To run and jump
and hunt and smell
hardwired behaviors
we all know so well.
But how did this friend
this four legged beast
come to be family
and share in our feast?
Through time we have walked
your side by mine
with kings and queens
and paupers divine.
Good-bye dear friend
your time has come
your memory rests easy
with each rising sun.

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