Monday, May 16, 2011

Give Me Those Shoes!!!!!!!

I love old movies. Way back in the glorious days of B&W, there was at least an attempt to make an original film. Sure...there were sequels (Son of Frankenstein, etc...) but they were usually decent.

So, as yesterday was a dreary, rainy Sunday, I decided to watch John Waters' films on Netflix. At one point during a lecture/documentary, Waters mentioned the film "The Bad Seed". I figure if John Waters is bragging it up, I have to see this movie!

How have I lived 45 years without seeing this movie???????? It was amazing!!!!!! And to think it was filmed in 1956!!!!!!! Wanna know why this movie isn't a household name? (OK, it did receive some recognition)Because when it came out, I can pretty much guarantee ya it was slammed for being too disturbing! Needless to say, I loved every minute of it. The young'un, however, did not. I'll give her credit...she made it through the 1st half hour. Normally she runs screaming when I put on an old B&W movie. OK, maybe that's an exaggeration. She usually just falls asleep. She was raised on a diet of color, fast-paced action flicks and predictable comedies...just like most of her generation. But I keep trying to educate her! LOL

I won't give away the plot for those who have yet to see this masterpiece. Those of us of a certain age will recognize character actors Jesse White (aka The Maytag Repair Man) and Henry Jones (who was in so many TV shows and movies he should have his own channel!). Perry Mason fans will recognize William Hopper. Netflix has a great, clean, digitized copy online. It played without flaw (a rarity for Netflix).

If you like old movies, classic horror, 50s era stuff, or just plain old GREAT MOVIES, watch this. And remember, it carries the John Waters Seal of Approval! If he ever decides to make a remake of it, I want the part of Leroy!!!!!

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