Monday, September 7, 2009

The End of the GOP?

The GOP, once known as the Grand Old Party has become, in essence, the Great Obsolete Party. (Greedy Old People perhaps?) Let's face it, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin (who I still think is hot as all git out, but I digress) are their most recognizable faces. That alone should be enough to realize that the party's days are numbered.
So, when backed into a corner, they do like any wild beast will: they come out foaming at the mouth and essentially scaring off anyone or anything that would want to try to help. Case in point; the Great Obama State of the Student Union Address (my term for it thankyouverymuch LOL). Soooooo, it seems that our prez wants to address school students and tell them positive things like stay in school, get an education and don't be a putz. But the GOP and its cronies have decided that this is some form of secret indoctrination to Socialism.

FACT: Obama is a Democrat, NOT a socialist! I AM a socialist and I can tell you that he's not one of us! LOL Oh we like him all right, seems like a good guy with a good head on his shoulders but he's still not a Socialist. Just saying he is doesn't make it so. OK, the man thinks that ALL Americans should have affordable health care coverage. And this is a BAD idea how????? No folks, its NOT socialism. Those of you who THINK it is, don't understand what socialism is. Go to the library, pull out the Encyclopedia and look it up. No Googling or Wiki-ing; we know how unreliable that crap is! LOL WHat Obama wants to do is make health insurance affordable and available to EVERYONE. That does NOT mean that the all-powerful and all-knowing health insurers and HMOs are going to go away. It DOES however mean that they will have to become competitive and not the evil machinations that they currently are. Try having a chronic health issue (as I do) and just try to get health insurance today. The last number thrown at me, for just myself, was almost $2000/month. IF I had an extra 2 grand a month sitting around, I'd just pay the doc in cash and be done with it! SHEEEEEEEEESH!!!!!!!!!

The GOP is basically a bunch of greedy old prunes who want the good old days of Reaganomics (remember the Trickle Down Theory kids?) and the Bush eras back. They want a clear division of "us vs. them"...meaning more for the rich, less for the poor, get rid of that pesky middle class. It seems like the Republicans want a return to late 19th century America. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh, a simpler time. 12 hour work days, 7 day work weeks...and even the kids got to be involved! No need for schooling for the young worker drones...they won't need it. Its better to keep your slaves stupid and happy. And health care? Bah! That's just Mother Nature weeding out the weak, right? Ask yourself kids, is this really progress?

The GOP is evidently anti-progress...unless is benefits them first and foremost. While they're all for $300 iPhones (with a $150/month bill) to keep the stockholder's wallets fat, they're against anything that will benefit the public at large. They fail to realize that in our current global market, all goods and commodities must be viewed as a volume business. The days of 80% profit margins are long gone. You have to sell more at a smaller profit to make the huge bucks these days. But guess what? You STILL get to make a nice profit! Even a Socialist will never begrudge anyone earning an honest buck!

But the GOP, the masters of mud-slinging, have resorted to fear tactics and pure-D bullshit propaganda. They've even compared Obama to Hitler! Now that one, I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND! Obama isn't even attempting genocide against Republicans! LOL I actually saw a Facebook page alluding to an Obama Youth corps, akin to the Hitler Youth, complete with Nazi-looking fonts and graphics. Yessirree kids, there's your Grand Obsolete Party hard at work. Fill the uneducated's minds with lies and their hearts with fear and you'll win every time, right? Wrong. We're lucky to live in a day and age where anyone can get educate him/her self. Mind you, one has to weed through a few miles of crap to do it but its worth it in the long run. I'm also thankful that I live in a country where, at least for now, I can speak my mind without fear of reprisal. But if the GOP has its way, those days too could end. Just yesterday, a friend informed me that a relative of hers (a Palin supporter I might add) suggested that she not be so vocal about her political views in public forums such as Facebook. In essence, her relative was attempting to CENSOR my friend. Luckily my friend, a real Tough Guy, knows better and will continue to voice her opinions. And GOOD FOR HER!!!!!!!!!

Let's face it, the days of the bipartisan system are coming to an end. 2 parties results in Us VS. Them. That's never good. As a Socialist, I'll make a suggestion. How about we ALL work TOGETHER for the common good of the nation. The best candidate for the job was elected. Hell, I even voted for him! Let's all be good & patriotic Americans and SUPPORT OUR PRESIDENT! Remember these words kids: United we stand, divided we fall.

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