Monday, June 30, 2014

When America finally falls....

Thank you to the U.S. Supreme Court for taking us another step towards the end.

A few years ago, I read that one of the cable channels was planning a series called America Town. The premise being that one day, in the not too horribly distant future, the US, as we've come to know it, would be a memory. Many of it's citizens would have emigrated to other countries, looking for a better way of life. The series never even made it to production (that I know of) and I've never been able to find the article here's my take on it.

Imagine a slum in an un-named European city. This is one of the America Towns...not unlike Chinatown or Little Italy in many large US cities. The difference being that it is populated by former American citizens who have fled their homeland looking for a better, happier life in a more tolerant nation. 

Walking through America Town, one would probably smell hamburgers and hot dogs cooking. The residents would be fat and badly dressed. Peanut butter would be a dietary staple, looked down upon by most of the host nation's indigenous population, but considered a delicacy by a few. From the open windows, aging Americans can be heard arguing what their rights are in their new home, and complaining that they're not being treated fairly. Americans deserve to be treated better! 

Somewhere, someone is singing "America The Beautiful"......

Is this scenario really that difficult to imagine? Have we become so comfortable in our self-perception as the greatest nation on earth that we cannot imagine a day when our corporate masters set their sights squarely on us? Could we be the combatants in the last great war? The War of US vs. THEM.

Guess what...the first shots have already been fired. Chances are, you didn't notice because you were too busy be distracted by commercials and advertisements.

Wake up America. You've been divided. Next comes the conquest. Then the fall. That's how it always happens...isn't it?

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