Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Guy Fawkes Statue For Parliament

I was chatting with an old friend, Adrian, from the UK today. Normally, we'll talk music or share bad jokes...but today was different. We got on the subject of the economy and politics. We discussed how too many of our contemporaries are all too willing to "sit at home, moan & groan, and take it on the chin" from our governments.  It's the old "you can't fight city hall" mentality. I, for one, find this type of thinking sad.

Adrian had stated his unhappiness with Britain spending $8 million to host the Olympics. I tried to play Devil's Advocate and point out the revenues from outside the games that this should produce, but Adrian made it clear that most of his fellow countrymen won't see a penny of it. Britain, like many other countries, is still suffering from the economic woes that are plaguing most of the world. There don't seem to be enough jobs or enough money to go around...yet the rich keep on becoming richer. The same problem as everywhere else.

This problem, as I see it, it due in large part to the average person avoiding participation in solving the problem. Say what you will about the French, but their government shakes in it's boots when the people are angry. And that's how is should be!

My friend Adrian brought up an interesting idea. He doesn't see it happening but admits that he would gladly see his tax money spent to fund it. He suggested a statue of Guy Fawkes to be erected outside the Houses of Parliament. I told him that I thought it was a brilliant idea!

For those unfamiliar, Guy Fawkes is the best known of the 13 conspirators who, in 1605, plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. The Gunpowder Plot, as it's often referred to, failed...but 407 years later, it is still remembered. November 5, known as Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night, is a celebration of just how close the government came to being decimated by it's own citizens. The history is far more complex than I care to go into here (but I highly suggest researching's fascinating stuff!). Most of you have, no doubt, either seen the film V For Vendetta, read the graphic novels, or at least seen protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks. 407 years later and Guy Fawkes has become somewhat of  a hero for the common men and women who only ask for justice for all.

I told Adrian that I thought his idea of a statue outside of Parliament is brilliant but he doesn't see the government going along with it. As I reminded him, a government's job is to work FOR it's people, not vice versa. I think that having a statue of Guy Fawkes outside the Houses of Parliament might be a healthy, daily reminder of just who the real boss is.

I think that artists around the world would be more than happy to have this chance at creating a lasting piece of history! Any smart artist would do it pro bono...the reputation alone would almost guarantee them a lifetime of work and notoriety.

So dear reader, I ask YOU: Do any of you have any idea of just how one would go about making this happen? Who in the British government would I contact in regards to this? If any of you have an idea, please contact me here.

In closing, please remember, reader, that YOU have it within YOUR power to effect change. Change rarely happens overnight...but it does and can happen...and YOU can be part of it!

Remind your government officials, no matter where you live, just WHO is really in charge. Hint: it's not them!

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