Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm An American

I'm an American.
I vote.
I pay my taxes.
I don't cheat on my taxes.
I drink. Sometimes too much.
I smoke.
I inhaled.
I've done a lot of drugs.
I've had sex. Lots of it. With a lot of people. Sometimes more than one at a time.
I've been arrested. Not always for things I've actually done.
I try not to hate.
I have friends and family of more than one race.
I have friends and family of more than one belief.
I've always worked hard.
I've always tried to help my fellow humans. And animals.
I don't believe in being greedy.
I don't believe in war.
I believe in always trying to do the right thing...AFTER taking the time to figure out what the right thing is.
I've been rich. I've been homeless. I've been everywhere in between.
I've gone to other countries and lived with the natives.
I've spent time on both sides of the tracks.
I'm pretty sure I've helped people.
I'm pretty sure I've hurt people.
I believe in God.
I distrust organized religion.
I believe in the separation of church and state.
I am conservative.
I am a socialist.
I believe that consenting adults have the right to marry whoever they love.
I believe in a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
I believe the government should help ALL people.
I believe that some people choose not to work.
I believe that some people choose to work too much.
I believe that one should give back to their community.
I believe that Christ died for ALL of OUR sins.
I believe that politics should not be a career.
I love our country.
I believe that our country is divided and as such, cannot continue to stand.
I believe that all politicians are liars.
I believe that some taxes are necessary.
I believe that taxes should be used to benefit ALL Americans.
I do not believe in lobbying.
I do not believe in special interest groups...regardless of what they're for.
I believe in the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I believe the rich should pay more taxes.
I believe in universal health care.
I believe that corporations have ruined this country.
I do not believe that corporations are "people".
I do not believe in a two party system.
I believe in term limits.
I do not believe in advertising prescription medication on TV or any other public media.
I believe that all men and women are created equal.
I believe that all men and women should be treated the same.
I believe that trust and respect both need to be earned.
I believe that God does not create garbage. No matter what certain people want us to think.
I believe that Americans place far too much importance on possessions.
I believe America has lost its way.
I believe America can be great again.
I am an American. I believe all of this and much more.
I am an American.

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