I can sympathize with Charlie Brown. He tries to be a good kid and do the right thing but life often, like Lucy Van Pelt, pulls the football away at the last second. So, Charlie Brown was just a good kid with odd luck and an unabiding love for his dog.
Went to court today in hopes of finally ending my nearly 2 year legal ordeal. For those of you unfamiliar, look back through these blogs and you'll be caught up. You know you've been in court too many times when you're on a 1st name basis with the clerks and bailiffs! LOL
After 2 and a half hours of sitting doing nothing, the court proceedings finally get under way. 2 cases ahead of me; a drug addict pleading guilty to forging scripts to get probabtion and a simple assault case being postponed...and then me. But then I see my lawyer talking with the prosecution...I've learned this never goes well for me.
My lawyer takes me out into the hallway to inform me that the case is being postponed. Again. Until February 2010! While I understand that this works in my favor, it nonetheless is a pain in the butt. I just want this mess OVER so I can get on with my life.
It seems that the madwoman who is making the accusations against me has become such a pest to the DA's office that the ADA who was handling the case now refuses to have anything more to do with it. Sooooooo...new ADA has been assigned and she's unfamiliar with the case.
Common sense would dictate that this case is moot. Its already been thrown out twice. It's on it's 3rd ADA. There's no evidence (basically because I didn't do anything wrong). I know this. My lawyer knows this. The judge knows this. But as its election time, the legal machine has to put on a good show. But at what cost?
This has taken one helluva toll on me but let's forget me for a minute. The tax payers are footing the bill for all of this. As I lost my 20 year career due to this mess, I have a public defender...paid for by the tax payers. I have been in court about 15 days over the past 2 years because of this. That's a lot of tax payer funded man hours. Factor in the time my attorney has spent collecting data and evidence and preparing for this mess and you have even more tax payer money being pissed away. All because a woman who is angry at the world because she chose to have her son's brain cut in half rather than learn to handle her son's seizures. He is now effectively seizure free but seriously developmentally delayed and very violent. That's why he was my client in the 1st place! Her feelings of guilt and angst as well as her own emotional instability have manifested into a rampage against yours truly. And the tax payers get to pay the bill.
Me? I've lost my career (which I absolutely loved). I'm broke and constantly looking for a decent paying job. At 43 years old, I'm just not used to living like this. Factor in my health problems (which have no doubt been exacerbated by all of this) and you can see the toll it's taken on me. Wah wah wah...I know.
This latest turn of events has also forced me to postpone an exam for a great career opportunity. Hopefully this won't ruin the chance for me. While not a litigious man, I'm starting to give serious thoughts to filing a lawsuit against this crazy person. Should it come to that, I'll seek nothing short of enough monetary damages to allow me to retire in comfort.
But like I said, I have odd luck. I received a call this evening for a new job. Nothing exciting or particularly well paying but interesting enough and with enough money/hours to keep me from starving or losing my mind. Who knew gourmet popcorn was such a big business? LOL
OK...just thought I'd keep y'all up to date on my neverending whackiness. I REALLY want/need a vacation...and soon! I'll be looking into whether or not I'm allowed to travel at least in the US, and if I am, some of you just may be seeing me sooner than you think!
Alrighty...I'm outtahere!!!!!!!!!!
Hey!!! You got the job - that's brilliant!! Try to put the mess behind you and enjoy this new turn of events. You're going to be working with interesting people and delicious food... and you get to pay your bills!!! Bonus!!! Best of luck with it!!!