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photo by Nick Ker |
Come November, there is always a chance of an extreme Red Wave. Complete and utter control of all branches of government. What if that wave extends through all 50 states? Then what? What sort of dystopian horror show might we one day soon wake up to?
Pretty easy to guess they'll be gone. Our borders will become super fortified. No one gets IN or OUT. You have to worry about that last part.
Immigrants aren't just migrant farm labor, housekeepers and drug dealers/rapists/bad hombres. A growing majority of doctors in this country are from other countries. Names like Singh, Patel, Chang, Hidalgo, Reyes, Nguyen, etc. They grew up in other countries, speaking different languages, and many have accents. Some very strong. Some are new enough to this country that they don't quite yet have a grasp of how healthcare in this country works. I say this from professional experience. There are immigrants working in all aspects of the country. Some are your neighbors, coworkers, local shop owners, some are even in positions in government...for now.
America First

That'll show China! The problem is, most of what we have is cheap imports. Its why a lot of our companies send jobs overseas. CHEAP LABOR. Do you think self-professed REAL Americans will work those kind of jobs for that low pay? Guess again...they'll have to. And the prices of those goods will still go UP...why? Because MADE IN AMERICA! But what about the unions? No worries. They'll be gone. The Neo-Conservatives hate organized labor unions...unless they can get their vote.
Might as well throw out those child labor laws too. Those factory jobs could be good starter jobs for the little ones! Teach them the VALUES of hard labor! They won't need much education. Stupid and hungry masses work harder. Every dictator knows this. But they'll have to be in good shape. Even Hitler understood the value of promoting physical fitness. It also keeps down healthcare costs! But wait...what will the healthcare corporations and insurance companies think about that?
Get rid of Medicare, Medicaid, etc.!
That will really get the money flowing. Out of pocket costs will go through the roof. Can't afford it? Don't get sick! If you do get sick, WORK THROUGH IT! Trump said that some sick people got better by going to work! (3/5/20) The so-called CONservatives have been wanting to get their hands on Social Security for ages, so they'll probably take that too. Want to retire? I guess you should just work more.
Remember, America is a CHRISTIAN Nation!
And...here's where the shit is really going to hit the fan. For decades of dedicated votes, the religious right is going to demand their payback. Its already begun. What do you think the real message is when Trump surrounds himself with the evangelical right? Why do you think he pulled out all the
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"I don't recall this from Bible study" |
Gays? Gone. Outlawed. Gay marriage? Not a fucking chance! Gay adoption? BURN IN HELL QUEER! Ain't gonna happen! We might have been CREATED equal but you CHOSE to be that way! Just like Donald "Buz" Lukens, Jon Hinson, Barney Frank, Ed Schrock, Mark Foley, Larry Craig (feel free to Google those names) and on and on and on.
Womens Rights? The women will have the right to get married, settle down, raise a family, and do all of the housework. They will be submissive to their husbands at all times. The hags that can't get married off...well yeah, they'll have to work...but don't think they'll be getting paid MAN's wages! What do they need all that money for anyway? Its not like they have a family to provide for!
Any non white, non Christians who choose to remain...life won't be easy. They'll be on the fringes. Welfare? Not a chance. That will go the way of Medicare. Can't afford to eat? Better find a job! Homeless? Too bad. It's already illegal in many places and its also illegal in some place to help the homeless. Better GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!!!!
We could be looking at a future with incomes slashed for most, rights whittled away left and right. Wouldn't be long before the 2nd Amendment will come under fire. Sure...let them keep the guns. Just keep ammo too expensive for anyone to buy. People are feeling outraged and oppressed (imagine that!). Would they be able to vent on, say, social media? Ask how well that works in China or N. Korea. How many times have you seen a video blocked in your country/region? It already happens.
You knew this was coming. The commercial media, the LAMESTREAM FAKE NEWS will be replaced with state run media. You'll get your regularly daily dose of the hand-picked information or disinformation that will keep the CONservatives in power. And to keep them in check, there will most likely be oversight by a committee of evangelicals to make sure the message stays in line with their interpretations of scripture.
They'll be fine. Just as monarchs have done as long as anyone can remember, they'll claim their Divine Right to privilege. It must be God's will that they were so financially blessed. It would be wrong to squander it on the peasants who must work for their daily bread.
They'll still exist. They always have. They always will. They will just be under far more control than ever. I've never had a problem with drinking home-brew or moonshine, or back in the day smoking some home-grown...but you can bet it will all be controlled. It will be used to prove again and again how deviant the masses are, how in need of protection they are.
Ask yourself...who do you want making the rules? Reasonable people from all walks of life? Or an ever shrinking minority of the rich and powerful, who owes debts to the religious right? The rules will be made not for the people but for those who keep them in power. All of this can be done much easier than you think. With the right spin, people can be convinced of almost anything. Look at Prohibition.
Government as we know it, government of the people, by the people, for the people will be replaced, by force if necessary (then later ratified by a Constitutional Amendment or clause) with something more self-serving to those in power. The recent Impeachment of the POTUS was likely a test run to show that those in power are above the law.
Sure, this is all conjecture...but with a POTUS who seems to go to great lengths to divide the country, ignore the Constitution, and who seems more comfortable with playing dictator than leader, is it really that far-fetched? I'll leave you with a quote from Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale...possibly one of the most terrifying things I've ever read or watched.
“There is more than one kind of freedom,” says Aunt Lydia in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel, “The Handmaid’s Tale,” recently brought to life in an award-winning miniseries; “freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don’t underrate it.”
Don't fall for the con. - MM