It's an election year. The Republitards are trying to figure out who they want to run for President. So far, it's down to four. Four complete fucking morons and social retards. I swear, it's like they're TRYING to lose! One idiotic statement after another. Romney just wants to rule the world and piss on the poor. Santorum wants a theocracy. Ron Paul is still too busy trying to tell people what he thinks they want to hear to be bothered with finding out what people want. And then there's Newt...who is just bat shit fucking crazy!
Then there's the Democraps. Four more years of Obama. Four more years of weirdo right wing groups doubting his citizenship, race, ethnicity, religion and shoe size. Four more years of trying to do the right thing but often falling short. Four more years of him singing. (at least we currently have a HOT 1st lady)
What about the "other" parties. Who cares. The media won't allow it. There's no one like Ross Perot (who if you recall, took 20% of the vote last time he ran). The media has made damned sure that since that time, that the only "other party" candidates you'll hear about are the loonies. And all disqualified on any number or grounds.
So, do you want to know how it's going to go down? The election that is...
It'll go down like this: we'll have months and months of lies, mudslinging, disinformation, sloganeering, misdirection, more lies, promises, debates, a crisis here and there...and then, finally, the election. We will all, hopefully, get out and vote. Some will vote often. Some will coerce others to vote against the best interests of this nation and the voter's individual will...and someone will be elected. Then what?
Four more years of business as usual. If you think voting for either is going to change a damned thing, you're a bigger fucking idiot than the politicians...and that's just how Washington wants you to be. We're all made safe & harmless by our complicity with playing the game. There is no change because we refuse to change. There is no revolution because we refuse to revolt...we might miss our favorite TV program!
If we want real change, first we need to decide what changes we want. Then we have to decide how to go about those changes. But do we really want change? Or is that too much responsibility for a nation of people who can't be bothered to switch off their media long enough to fart out an original thought?
It doesn't matter really. We're all corporate slaves. Like it or not. We're all bought and paid for. You can delude yourself into thinking you're not...while you continue to blab on your cell phone and watch your obnoxiously oversized TV, while driving a car designed to be ineffecient and disposable. Just remember who really owns this country now...and it ain't us.