Are you pissed off yet? If not, you should be!
You shouldn't be pissed off at this picture, nor me for creating it. You should be pissed off that We The People have allowed this country to become what it is. We, the citizens of these United States of America, have allowed it to become a tyranny in democratic clothing.
Sure, you can sit back and complain. Lord knows we all do. The reality is, WE allowed this to happen. We kept 'electing' one crooked politician after another. We've allowed them to live a life of luxury while destroying our home. Hell, even the richest 1% are gobsmacked at how blindly stupid we are.
The Tea Party are the cowards who wave flags and hide at home, often times while living on their much detested "gubment money". I'm personally AMAZED at how many people I know who, while living on welfare,disability, etc., sit back and complain about all that they are given. Most of them probably don't vote. If they did, there wouldn't be a Democrat in any office outside of the White House right now. We can be thankful that most of them are too lazy - too willing to let the other guy shoulder the burden; something they're used to.
Now before you start whining at me about this, look at reality. Yes, there are some Tea Party members who want the best for this country. Unfortunately, most are racist sycophants who parrot phrases, slogans and bumper stickers. If you want to see what these people look like when they're at home, go to the People of Wal Mart site.
Then there's the other extreme. The Occupiers. I like what I think they're about...although no one really knows for sure! I've talked to a lot of these folks...and sadly, none can give me a straight answer. The bottom line is, they're pissed off at what America has become. OK, I'm with them on that! But how can they really be against corporate America when they're all carrying iPhones???? Kids, grab some quarters and use a pay phone. Go to the library and use the computer. I think you'll give yourself more cred that way.
Then there's every one else! Mostly sitting around waiting for the next big headline so we can weigh in our opinions at the water cooler or local tavern. Guess what folks...we're ALL being screwed! If you don't believe me, take a good look around. Talk to your friends and neighbors. How many are worse off now than they were 10, 15, 20 years ago?
I've been pushing for universal healthcare for over 25 years. I've been called every name in the book for it too. Why? Because America has been lied to for so long that we believe the lies. One of my favorite lies about universal healthcare is 'the waiting lists'. Well gosh, if we need to see a doctor, we'll have to wait and wait!
Well here are two true stories for you. I know these to be true because I WAS THERE! A few years back, while in Australia, a friend's daughter felt she needed to be seen by her doctor. Honestly, I thought she was healthy as a horse (and was/is) but she had it in her teenage head that she had to go and no one was going to stop her. She made an appointment for the VERY NEXT DAY! Saw her doc, got his diagnosis and went on her merry way. I think the whole thing may have cost her $5.
A few weeks back, I found out that I'm losing my job at the end of the year. Luckily, our company is helping us look for jobs and are already helping out with unemployment paperwork if needed. As I'll be losing my job, this also means losing my health benefits, so I'm trying to get in to see all of my doctors before then, just to be on the safe side. Well guess what kids...I have to wait no less than 2 weeks to see ANY of my doctors. And thats with good old American health insurance.
I've been off with the flu for the past few days, so I'll probably have to go to Med Express or one of those quack shacks to get a doctor's excuse to start back to work. What a joke. But remember kids...universal healthcare is bad...mmmmmmkay. (yes, I'm being sarcastic)
How many of us are happy to be controlled by corporations that would rather send jobs overseas than employ Americans? How many of us are happy that the idiots we elect to speak for us, don't...and then vote themselves pay raise after pay raise...and then can draw a pension for failing to do their jobs?
Are YOU happy with 21st century America as it is right now? Really? I'd love to hear your thoughts. I probably won't though. You might miss your favorite reality TV show. Or maybe your too drunk, pissing away your SSI check. Or maybe, just maybe, you really don't give a damn. If that's the case, shame on you!