I'm usually not one to suggest products or suggest against products...unless I think they're really fantastic or utter pieces of crap. Well I'm here to tell ya, the Money Miser Coin Sorter SUCKS ROTTING ZOMBIE ASS!
I've always been frugal...but don't take that as cheap. I work hard for my money and I like to save when/where I can. For the past few years (which from 2007-2010 were really tight), I've always kept a jar on the kitchen table, and when I get home at night (or in the morning as is the case most days) I dump whatever pocket change I have into said jar. I'd usually cash it in at Ye Olde Coinstar machine just before payday...in case I needed gas, lunch money, or just a night on the town. I would usually amass $60 or per month this way.
This past year has been pretty decent financially so around May, I switched to a bigger jar. I hadn't taken anything OUT of the jar since around April. Well, the jar finally got so full (and so heavy I could just about lift it!) that it was either find a BIGGER jar, start a 2nd jar or get busy rolling coins! At this point, I wasn't going to use the old Coinstar. 9% of a few bucks is OK...I don't mind parting with that. But I've got to have around $200 in this jar! I sure as hell ain't giving that up!
So today, I stopped by K-Mart (you know...the other Mart) to see if they had an automated coin sorter thingy. Lo & behold, they did! The Money Miser Coin Sorter. It appeared to be just what I needed. At $12, it seemed reasonably priced and I figured how crappy could it really be...
Alas, I found out just how crappy it is. I should've been tipped off when it didn't include at least a cheap set of C batteries. But OK...batteries are cheap and I always need batteries so what the heck...I picked some up. I grabbed some extra coin rolls too. I then stopped off for dinner (mmmmmmmm pork chops) and came home a went about rolling coins.
The directions stated that no more than 10 coins should be dumped in at one time (to prevent jamming). Makes sense to me. So I grabbed a few coins and dumped em in. Whrrrrrrrr went the motor and the coins were sent to their respective slots. I got $126.50 and some change through my jar (still only half empty!) and suddenly the Money Miser conks out on me. I removed all coins and checked to see if there was a jam. Nope. Nothing visible. I then checked the batteries. I figured they SHOULD last at least 30 minutes but hey...some things eat batteries, so I changed them. Still bupkiss. Zilch. Nada. Not a damned thing happening.
Soooooo, first thing tomorrow the Money Miser is being returned (always save those receipts kids!). As I didn't see a better model in the store, I'll be getting my money back. At which point I will go in search of a more efficient coin sorter. Trader Horn here I come! LOL (I never should have ever stepped into that place...I've been waiting for an excuse to go back there!)
So, if you should be in need of an automated coin sorter, AVOID the Money Miser. It's a pure-D piece-O-CRAP! Worthless!
This Public Service Message brought to you by me...a cranky ol' penny pincher! LOL