I quit drinking alcohol 1 month ago and ya know what, I feel great! Sobriety seems to suit me well. Now a lot of you are probably wondering why I quit drinking. To answer those queries, no, I don't believe I have any kind of drinking problem. I don't crave alcohol. I don't think that it in any way really got in my way in life. Simply put, I just figured it was time. I was tired of losing a day recovering after a night out. Even if I only had a few beers, the next day I'd usually feel worn out, so it was no longer worth it. Also, I noticed that alcohol would intensify my emotions a good deal. The last 2 times I went out drinking, I almost hit people...not good. On NYE, some little dirtbag was trying to mooch cigs off of me...something that most days doesn't phase me...but for some reason, this guy just set me off and I was ready to brain him! As I prefer to be in complete control of my temper at all times, I knew I had to stop.
I've noticed a few things with my new-found sobriety:
I have a helluva lot more energy! And money too! I'd usually drop $40 everytime I went out...so that money is going for new toys now!
Alcohol smells. I never really noticed how bad it smelled until recently. While it doesn't bother me to be around people who are drinking, the smell bothers me a bit.
Drunks are funny...in small doses. After about 10 minutes, they just become irritating.
I no longer worry when I see a cop behind me! In fact, I hope I get pulled over some night just so I can say "Sorry officer but I don't drink. I'll be more than happy to take a breathalizer test!"
I'd also like to add that one of my dearest friends has also recently quit drinking and using drugs. I know this has to be a really hard time for her but she's also one of the strongest people I know. We're supporting each other with love and friendship. She's also joined AA/NA and I know that she's going to do just fine! I'm VERY proud of her! She's taken control of her life and is even planning to go back to school! It was funny, the 2 of us went to our usual bar the other day and the bartender almost fell over when he heard that BOTH of us quit drinking. It was nice to just hang out for a little bit in a familiar environment and NOT be working on getting drunk. I think it might be safe to say that we enjoy each other's company even more now!
Lastly, I'd like to thank a few people for inspiring this move. These people showed me, in one way or another, that I really WANT to be sober! So to the following, a great big THANK YOU!
Jenny A.
Genevieve S.
Marina D.
Doing my 1st sober show on 2/6 @ Howlers....I'll let y'all know how it goes.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
"JUST FOR AMERICA: Shame on you America: A country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations. 99% of people won't have the guts to copy and repost this." is what a friend has as her FaceBook update and ya know, I bet she's right!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not belittling the recent tragedies in Haiti. Far from it! But let's put things into perspective shall we? The networks saw a chance to boost their ratings. The performers saw a chance to boost their popularity. And the folks in Haiti are most likely going to be waiting a good while before they see any of that donated money. If you want to help, donate to the Red Cross. They've always been above reproach in my book. (unlike many fly-by-night "charitable" organizations)
Yes, what happened in Haiti was horrible. Almost as horrible as what happens HERE on a daily basis. But Haiti gets the press. "Trouble In Paradise" stories always do. But what about OUR fellow Americans in need?
The ultra-freaky right will tell you it's their own fault. They shouldn't be homeless! They should've gotten a better job! They shouldn't have had kids. They should've planned ahead better. They shouldn't be mentally ill. The gooey-eyed left will tell you that we're 'developing programs' to help them. (from experience on both sides of the desk, I'll tell you that alot of these programs are bloated, top-heavy wastes of funding) But what happens when things go wrong here at home?
Most Americans don't find out until its too late. It's not "good press". Sure, some smart media big wig could develop a TV special to help our fellow Americans in need...but unless its a hurricane in New Orleans or 'trouble in paradise' elsewhere in the US, you're not going to hear about it. Or worse, you'll cast a deaf ear and a blind eye to it.
I've spent the majority of my adult life working to help people in need. There are times when ALL of us need help. Some need more help than others. But the money doesn't come pouring in like it does when there's good press coverage! Maybe the homeless/hungry/elderly/sick/mentally ill all need to carry puppies with them. Now THAT would warrant press coverage! The cameras would zoom in on the puppies and everyone would empty their wallets! "Oh no! Look at that poor (American) puppy! I have to donate money NOW!"
Please, donate some money to the people in Haiti. Preferably via the Red Cross. But when you do, add an extra $10 and ask that they use it to help people here at home. If you can, add an extra $10 and ask them to use it anywhere else in the world where someone is in need. The Red Cross will! And you'll know that the money is going where it's needed. Here's another idea: volunteer in your community! If you have an hour a week (and yes, you do!) consider spending that hour helping someone less fortunate than yourself. If you're reading this, you have access to the internet...you should have no trouble finding programs to help...but I bet 99% of you won't have the guts to!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not belittling the recent tragedies in Haiti. Far from it! But let's put things into perspective shall we? The networks saw a chance to boost their ratings. The performers saw a chance to boost their popularity. And the folks in Haiti are most likely going to be waiting a good while before they see any of that donated money. If you want to help, donate to the Red Cross. They've always been above reproach in my book. (unlike many fly-by-night "charitable" organizations)
Yes, what happened in Haiti was horrible. Almost as horrible as what happens HERE on a daily basis. But Haiti gets the press. "Trouble In Paradise" stories always do. But what about OUR fellow Americans in need?
The ultra-freaky right will tell you it's their own fault. They shouldn't be homeless! They should've gotten a better job! They shouldn't have had kids. They should've planned ahead better. They shouldn't be mentally ill. The gooey-eyed left will tell you that we're 'developing programs' to help them. (from experience on both sides of the desk, I'll tell you that alot of these programs are bloated, top-heavy wastes of funding) But what happens when things go wrong here at home?
Most Americans don't find out until its too late. It's not "good press". Sure, some smart media big wig could develop a TV special to help our fellow Americans in need...but unless its a hurricane in New Orleans or 'trouble in paradise' elsewhere in the US, you're not going to hear about it. Or worse, you'll cast a deaf ear and a blind eye to it.
I've spent the majority of my adult life working to help people in need. There are times when ALL of us need help. Some need more help than others. But the money doesn't come pouring in like it does when there's good press coverage! Maybe the homeless/hungry/elderly/sick/mentally ill all need to carry puppies with them. Now THAT would warrant press coverage! The cameras would zoom in on the puppies and everyone would empty their wallets! "Oh no! Look at that poor (American) puppy! I have to donate money NOW!"
Please, donate some money to the people in Haiti. Preferably via the Red Cross. But when you do, add an extra $10 and ask that they use it to help people here at home. If you can, add an extra $10 and ask them to use it anywhere else in the world where someone is in need. The Red Cross will! And you'll know that the money is going where it's needed. Here's another idea: volunteer in your community! If you have an hour a week (and yes, you do!) consider spending that hour helping someone less fortunate than yourself. If you're reading this, you have access to the internet...you should have no trouble finding programs to help...but I bet 99% of you won't have the guts to!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
In/Out of My Head
Its a new year and life is good! That said, time for a few things that've been running in and out of my head...
I decided to quit smoking & drinking & to try to go semi-vegetarian. Not drinking has been a breeze. I don't eat much meat anyway so going semi-vegetarian has also been a breeze. But the quitting smoking has not been going well. I was born addicted to nicotine (aaaaah that lovely month-long stay in the incubator...just like a chicken) and if I'd known when I puffed that 1st ciggie all those years ago just how much of a slave I'd become, I never woulda done it! But we live and learn and I'm too damned stubborn to quit quitting.
Pets: ya gotta love them...even when they "F" you up! Case in point, my cat Day-Z likes to hang out on the edge of the tub when I take a bath. She will usually splash me with her tail and she acts like she has no fear of the water...until she comes into contact with it! Yesterday, I just barely saved "my junk" from a fierce shredding! Day-Z was stretching out on the edge of the tub while I was bathing when she lost her balance and went headlong into the tub! Needless to say, cats don't like water and removing herself from it was Priority #1. She flailed and scratched the hell outta me! My hand and foot were bleeding pretty good and the water had these unsightly streams of blood in it. Had to start over...but I was too busy laughing at the cat. If it hadn't been for my cat-like reaction time, she mighta shredded me in 'bad places'. No harm, no foul.
Aging and music: I like to think that I have pretty varied tastes in music but my girlfriend will probably argue that one with me. I'm 43, she's 28. We rarely, it seems, enjoy the same music. As she points out I like "good music" and usually get a good laugh at what she listens to. I think I'm slowly turning into my dad! I remember him saying that the punk rock I listened to back in the day "all sounded alike". I catch myself saying the same about the "metal" she listens to. I don't even consider most of it metal...its just...um...mum always said if you can't say anything nice, best to shut keep your trap shut and smile. So I'm smiling. That said, I have introduced her to some music she DOES enjoy. Old Queen, Tom Waits, The Blasters, etc... There's hope for her yet!
Big News: After a 2+ year blacklisting from my chosen profession (the MH/MR field) it looks like I'm back!!!! I'm supposed to start my new position on Tuesday morning. I was originally going to take my medication practicum today and start tomorrow but my program director called and asked if I could come in Tuesday instead (no sense in paying me holiday pay for my 1st day! HAHAHA). She asked if I could come in at 9:00am, take the test and then asked how late I could work...I told her all day if needed. Needless to say, she liked that answer! They can work me 75 hours a week if they want! I miss that life and now I'm back!!!!!!!!! Bring on the crazies! Bring on the med charts! ISPs! Behavior Programs! Paperwork! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO READY!!!!!!!! At this point, everything else be damned, I AM BACK!!!!!!
At the risk of sounding self-important and preachy, if you want something bad enough and are willing to work hard for it, you CAN achieve it! Life will throw you curves. You just have to have enough backbone to stand up and do what you need to when that happens. No one is going to hand you anything in life nor should you want them to. I can only speak for myself here but I enjoy things more knowing that I've worked hard to get them. I'll also be damned if anyone will ever take what I've worked hard for!
So its 2010 and life is looking up! I hope it is for YOU out there too! BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!
A GINORMOUS Thank You to my family & friends (old & new) who have stood by me. You have all eased my burden in ways you can't imagine. Again, Thank You!
I decided to quit smoking & drinking & to try to go semi-vegetarian. Not drinking has been a breeze. I don't eat much meat anyway so going semi-vegetarian has also been a breeze. But the quitting smoking has not been going well. I was born addicted to nicotine (aaaaah that lovely month-long stay in the incubator...just like a chicken) and if I'd known when I puffed that 1st ciggie all those years ago just how much of a slave I'd become, I never woulda done it! But we live and learn and I'm too damned stubborn to quit quitting.
Pets: ya gotta love them...even when they "F" you up! Case in point, my cat Day-Z likes to hang out on the edge of the tub when I take a bath. She will usually splash me with her tail and she acts like she has no fear of the water...until she comes into contact with it! Yesterday, I just barely saved "my junk" from a fierce shredding! Day-Z was stretching out on the edge of the tub while I was bathing when she lost her balance and went headlong into the tub! Needless to say, cats don't like water and removing herself from it was Priority #1. She flailed and scratched the hell outta me! My hand and foot were bleeding pretty good and the water had these unsightly streams of blood in it. Had to start over...but I was too busy laughing at the cat. If it hadn't been for my cat-like reaction time, she mighta shredded me in 'bad places'. No harm, no foul.
Aging and music: I like to think that I have pretty varied tastes in music but my girlfriend will probably argue that one with me. I'm 43, she's 28. We rarely, it seems, enjoy the same music. As she points out I like "good music" and usually get a good laugh at what she listens to. I think I'm slowly turning into my dad! I remember him saying that the punk rock I listened to back in the day "all sounded alike". I catch myself saying the same about the "metal" she listens to. I don't even consider most of it metal...its just...um...mum always said if you can't say anything nice, best to shut keep your trap shut and smile. So I'm smiling. That said, I have introduced her to some music she DOES enjoy. Old Queen, Tom Waits, The Blasters, etc... There's hope for her yet!
Big News: After a 2+ year blacklisting from my chosen profession (the MH/MR field) it looks like I'm back!!!! I'm supposed to start my new position on Tuesday morning. I was originally going to take my medication practicum today and start tomorrow but my program director called and asked if I could come in Tuesday instead (no sense in paying me holiday pay for my 1st day! HAHAHA). She asked if I could come in at 9:00am, take the test and then asked how late I could work...I told her all day if needed. Needless to say, she liked that answer! They can work me 75 hours a week if they want! I miss that life and now I'm back!!!!!!!!! Bring on the crazies! Bring on the med charts! ISPs! Behavior Programs! Paperwork! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO READY!!!!!!!! At this point, everything else be damned, I AM BACK!!!!!!
At the risk of sounding self-important and preachy, if you want something bad enough and are willing to work hard for it, you CAN achieve it! Life will throw you curves. You just have to have enough backbone to stand up and do what you need to when that happens. No one is going to hand you anything in life nor should you want them to. I can only speak for myself here but I enjoy things more knowing that I've worked hard to get them. I'll also be damned if anyone will ever take what I've worked hard for!
So its 2010 and life is looking up! I hope it is for YOU out there too! BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!
A GINORMOUS Thank You to my family & friends (old & new) who have stood by me. You have all eased my burden in ways you can't imagine. Again, Thank You!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Good-bye Yvonne!
I hadn't planned for my 1st blog of the year to be such a bummer...but sometimes life goes it's own way.
In life she was a wife, mother and grandmother, a former Miss Pennsylvania, an Emmy nominee and Gabriel Award and Patti Burns Award winner. She was committed to warning consumers about shams and recalls and was well known locally for her "Does It Really Do That?" segments on KDKA.
Her family has asked that in lieu of flowers, for people to please make a donation to The KDKA Turkey Fund in care of The Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.
Yvonne, you were a good broad and I, as well as many others, will miss you.
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